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Things I've learned post-BU


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I don't want her back, even if I love her. I would never trust her like I did before anyway and things would never be the same or better. 5 month post BU she is becoming more and more distant to me. I get exhausted just by trying to imagine being together again. She chose to leave, it was probably the right decision, for the both of us.


I don't believe in mind-games trying to get your ex back. I did not have to trick her into being my GF to begin with. NC is for moving on.


Everyones story is different. Theres no common logic to it like stages etc. I have broken up with girls and wanted them back afterwards, but being to coward to let them know. Or maybe to respectful of their feelings to do so. What if I took them back and regretted it? Then it would hurt them so much more. I have also broken up with girls and not thought twice about it.


My ex-GF will not get a new boyfriend and find out that I was so much better. If she does, I feel sorry for her. Theres a lot of good guys out there and theres also a lot of nice women out there. Its not about being better or worse, its about being different and right for eachother.


My ex-GF is not evil or cold. She just wanted a different life than I could offer. Love makes liars.


10-15 years ago everything was different. NC after a break up was the norm. No sms's or facebooks. Only thing to worry about was the accidental meeting on the street.


I'm afraid of change. That goes for my work, appartment, hobbies and girlfriends. I'm willing to stay far to long in ****ty relationships.


I can now live my life the way I want to. I can choose to be in a relationship with someone that loves me for who I am and let me stay that way.

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