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tell my friend i like her?

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hey ppl.i have a diaemma.


ive known my friend Juila since Christmas 2002 and we have grown to be good friends.we have been there for each other and been strong for each other.


both of us have been through tough times(her more than me)and we are very strong to fight them.


all the way through,ive liked her and really admire her.the thing that really set me off was when she told me she had briefly cut herself because her parents were on the verge of spilting and she was caught in the middle.i really cried whe i heard this as i cared for her so deeply.i hadnt talked to her for a while as we were very busy at the time.


its very hard for us to see each other as we go to different schools and live different livies.so i have had little chance to flirt with her or anything like that.as far as im aware she thinks of me as a friend and not anything else.


i REALLY like her and i want her to be my girlfriend.how should i go about telling her how i feel?






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we have grown to be good friends.we have been there for each other and been strong for each other.


Okay, first off... since you have already said you are amazing friends with her, I'm assuming that if you ask her, you're probably a little worried that it could change your friendship with her somewhat (make it a little awkward, etc.) Well, there is a great chance that she does like you in return!!! The fact that you have been there for her through thick and thin can be a great comfort and overall turn-on for a woman. But, there is also that chance that she is just very grateful to have you as a great friend; however, isn't interested in a romantic relationship with you for whatever reason.


I say go for it!! I have helped many of my male friends through similar situations, and in the end most have regretted not asking them, as compared to the reaction or awkwardness that sometimes becomes present after asking them and it not creating the romantic relationship they were hoping for. Others yes have luckily started the relationship they were wanting. In the end, it kind of comes down to this.... will you regret not asking/telling her?? And remember, everything happens for a reason!!!!


all the way through,ive liked her and really admire her


Just tell her that exactly!!!! Tell her how you feel, and do it when it feels right to you!! Just try not to surprise her too much. Maybe take her out for coffee, or a walk when you have a chance. Make sure, it's definitely the two of you... or if you are within a group, make sure you can pull her away, without her and the others thinking "what the hell is he doing?"


Good luck!!! Remember, everything does happen for a reason (or so I believe)... and in the unfortunate outcome that she does just want to stay friends... it may be a little awkward at first, but a great friendship should be able to overcome that!! Especially since you both have helped each other out with other terrible happenings.


Keep us updated on how it goes!!!!

~BurningBright :p

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