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How will you spend Christmas day without the ex?

Steven T

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This will be the first Christmas without her. I will be spending the day at my brothers flat as he is having a few mates over for some beers, so this will hopefully not make me think too much about her. Glad I have a brother, otherwise I would be sat at home in my room all day drinking alone and thinking too much about her.


I will be happy when the New Year starts, a clean slate.


How will you be spending your Christmas day?

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I will be spending the night over my parents to not wake up on Christmas alone. I've not felt bad in quite awhile but why chance it? And spending the day with my little sisters.

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Hanging out with my family, but it will be difficult, I lost my father 3 months after the break up, so we will all be feeling that loss, he did love the holidays and made it goofy fun for all of us...*sigh*

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Spending it alone as xmas day just happens to be my ex's birthday and I know it's going to hurt. I don't get on with my relatives so I won't be spending it with them. I've had several offers from some of my closest friends to spend xmas day with them and although I'm extremely grateful I know I won't be able to hide my mood which isn't fair on their family xmas.


Also decided to text her a happy birthday message. I know this breaks the NC rules but she was apart of my life for 10 years. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't wish her a happy birthday. I'm at that stage where it's going to hurt if she replies, it'll hurt if she doesn't reply and it'll hurt if I don't send it. Just gonna do it and take whatever pains comes on the chin.

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Not having to sit around with the ex's family listening to them complain, be rude to each other and making me feel unwelcome :D ...wish I could actually feel good about that rather than just missing him...


I've got family in this city, so I'll have lunch with them.

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Ah, I will also not miss the constant uncomfortable feeling of being around her family. What a terrible relationship they have.. the yelling and screaming... wont miss that at all.

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most likely with the dog and cats as my family does christmas eve dinner. my aunt invited me to visit her in baltimore, but that's an hour plus drive. plus she has a major hoarding problem. so it's kind of depressing being there.


which, ironically enough, will make me feel worse about being single and alone during the the holidays.


so i'm better off staying put.

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Would your family have you over Christmas as well? I'm right near Baltimore. I suppose you can stay over my parents as well :p

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hahah! thanks for the offer. i could - - but it's just my dad and brother. my brother will be spending that day with his girlfriend. not sure what my dad is up to. but it's all good. i'm an introvert anyway ;)

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Spending mine with mum dad brother and his girlfriend, going to try and not ruin their christmas this year as this time last year i was very raw and emotional.


I'm still not 100% but i don't want to be thinking of her this year again or at least not making it my focus again

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