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Christian's Christmas Journal :)

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Hello! I am a Christian lady who would like to make a blog/journal about this special time of the year for Christians (and Non Christians who celebrate a secular Christmas.)


If you are a Christian and would like to share your experience too, please do so. If you are not a Christian but have questions as to how/why Christians celebrate Jesus' birth, please feel free to do so. However, I ask that politeness, courtesy, and respect be used when asking or commenting. Thanks.


About me, my husband and I got married this September! Christmas is one of the most important times in my life and I normally celebrate this sacred time with my family. One problem: my husband and I cannot afford to travel for Christmas. :(


That's ok! Don't worry. I'm not crushed... yes "there's no place like home for the holidays" but as my husband Sam pointed out to me, We are home!

We have just begun an exciting adventure which we are traveling together in this journey called life!


My husband and I live in a tropical climate... the other day he laughed so hard with me in the grocery store, because my nose caught a whiff of pine tree and led me right to the live Christmas tress! I ADORE the aroma of pine!!! It brings back all the precious memories with my family, with my little sisters decorating the tall alive and healthy pine tree in my parents' living room, nice and warm and cozy with a fire in the fireplace and snow outside! Those memories I will treasure forever!


No, we are not decorating for Christmas. :( I know someone might be asking themselves about that, and no there is no Christmas tree or sparkly lights or red/green decorations in our apartment. One reason is that my husband sees no need for decorating. He has an interesting view of Christmas which is totally different than the tradition I have accustomed to doing. He considers Christmas has gotten completely congested with decorations and materialism and prefers a simple celebration without spending lots of money. I do understand his point, but I for one have always thoroughly enjoyed Christmas decorations! :)


Another aspect of Christmas I enjoy and insist on, which Sam responds to by singing along :) are Christmas carols!!! Although he jokes that he can't wait till Christmas is over to get rid of the Christmas carols, I know he likes them too! My favorite songs are the ones that emphasize Jesus' birth... especially "Away in the Manger", "Joy to the World" ,and so on. My husband and i know Spanish, and there is an awesome Spanish song that I love ... "Mi burrito Sabanero/El Burrito de Belen"! It's a beautiful song that makes me dance with glee! I also enjoy the bouncy winter wonderland ones, the cutsy ones like "Rudolf the Red-Nose Reindeer" and "Frosty the Snowman"


Speaking of Frosty, I tried watching it but as my husband says, it's "too young" for me. I will never be too old for the movie Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer though! :p


About Santa Claus, when I was young, my parents insisted he was not real. I remember when I was 6, I argued with my Mom about that, since I clearly saw him at the mall! She showed me how he was just a man dressed up, but that since in school I was taught he was real, I should just respect other peoples' right to believe whatever they want concerning him. That makes sense to me even to this day.


To people who are not Christian, many consider what Christians believe concerning Jesus to be fake. They also have that right. As for me however, I do believe what the Bible says about Jesus is true, because I have studied for myself and love and respect the Tanakh and the Christian Bible. They are not works of fiction, but rather are ancient manuscripts of a people with amazing experiences who wrote down historic accounts!


So, when I celebrate Christmas, I celebrate the birth of the one who I believe to be the fulfillment of the ancient prophesies concerning him in the Tanakh!


Even though at the moment I can't be with family (except my Darling and we will visit his brother's family for Christmas Eve) I can thoroughly enjoy celebrating the humble birth of my King! He was born not in a palace, but in a stable. His birth was not on Christmas day (we don't know exactly when his birthdate is) however, Christmas is a day where many people remember and celebrate his amazing birth!!! :)

Edited by BetheButterfly
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What a beautiful post dear BetheButterfly. It warmed my heart. You, being a newly wed and expressing so much peace and love, I could not resist replying. It is hard to be far away from family at this special time of year, yet having one you truly love close by, especially with such newness, truly is a blessing. I hope others reply, as I am pressed for time but want to say you have a wonderful spirit and love for God that shines through. Merry Christmas to you and your new hubby.



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What a beautiful post dear BetheButterfly. It warmed my heart. You, being a newly wed and expressing so much peace and love, I could not resist replying. It is hard to be far away from family at this special time of year, yet having one you truly love close by, especially with such newness, truly is a blessing. I hope others reply, as I am pressed for time but want to say you have a wonderful spirit and love for God that shines through. Merry Christmas to you and your new hubby.




Thanks so much Nleeh!!! :love:


Merry Christmas to you and your family too!!! :bunny:




Well! Today has brought tears of joy to my eyes!!! My family received our package of Christmas presents and sent me pictures of my 6 nephews and 1 niece putting them under the Christmas tree!!! Even though I can't be there, I am so thrilled that the kids are having fun and my sisters are having a fun time together... yes I admit I am a little jealous. :p However, I am there with my family in spirit, and sending the gifts was like sending a part of me to my loved ones. :) I think that's why people give gifts at Christmas, because it's showing care and love and wanting the people you love to smile and be happy! The expression "it is more blessed to give than to receive" is so true, because giving is a blessing!!!


It is fun too! :) I love kids and I have learned that it's best to get everybody the same of everything lol, so I got all the kids, including the girl, a toy car, so they can all play together. I also got them each a toy animal to play with too. I remember when I was a kid, how my sisters and I would play for hours and hours with My Little Ponies... we would make the whole living room a Ponyland! I also got them educational games and the Meerkat Manor... I love nature shows and so do my family. :)


So, I am so excited about Christmas morning... I already know how it will go... practiced it for years lol. :p This is what happens on Christmas morning...

the kids wake up super early (my youngest sister was ALWAYS the first one up and stlll is even though she's graduated from university now.)


They wake up my parents at 6 am (before that, they are required to be quiet and stay OUT of the livingroom on pain of all the presents being taken away lol - which is an effective scare tactic for most guillible children, but I would peak anyways... don't tell my Mom.)


All the kids, both kids and grandkids, go and sing We wish you a Merry Christmas to my parents. They say "Merry Christmas!" and we begin the debate as to whether to eat breakfast first or open presents first. Usually the kids want presents NOW and the adults want breakfirst first, with the excuse that they need coffee and to "wake up", which makes no sense to the already wide awake kids. :p


Depending on whichever side wins (and it differs every year) we either eat breakfast or get ready to go into the living room. Going to the livingroom on Christmas morning is a super special process... we all get together, wearing the pajamas we got before on Christmas Eve, then we go with a kid holding the hand of an adult, into the LIVING ROOM!!!


My parents always lay the stockings and special presents out in the open. The kids run to their stockings with an adult in tow, and look through their stockings for all the goodies they had been forbidden to peak at till this special day!


While writing, it brings back lovely memories and I forget I won't be there, but you know? Writing about it is the next best thing to being there with my family. :) Precious memories are treasures. With you and your loved ones, please treasure each second, because they are awesome gifts!!!

Edited by BetheButterfly
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while it's already near the end of the run this season, next year definitely check out the Hispanic tradition of las posadas, which re-enacts the Holy Couple's search for shelter. Great stuff, most parishes host all nine nights of it (Dec. 16-24), with a special event on Christmas Eve in some places (St. Peter Claver in my town does a thing where "godparents" go up to the altar to swaddle a lifelike image of the Baby Jesus and then have the parish join in singing the baby to sleep (acostar del Niño) ~ first time I experience it, it moved my heart because of the love you could feel for the Christ child! Best thing to do is check with local/area Catholic churches to see who's doing it, most likely it'll be one with a sizeable Hispanic community because this is purely a Mexican tradition.

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while it's already near the end of the run this season, next year definitely check out the Hispanic tradition of las posadas, which re-enacts the Holy Couple's search for shelter. Great stuff, most parishes host all nine nights of it (Dec. 16-24), with a special event on Christmas Eve in some places (St. Peter Claver in my town does a thing where "godparents" go up to the altar to swaddle a lifelike image of the Baby Jesus and then have the parish join in singing the baby to sleep (acostar del Niño) ~ first time I experience it, it moved my heart because of the love you could feel for the Christ child! Best thing to do is check with local/area Catholic churches to see who's doing it, most likely it'll be one with a sizeable Hispanic community because this is purely a Mexican tradition.


I have heard of the Posadas but have never seen it! Thanks Quankanne! That sounds lovely and if God wills, next year I will see about my husband and i going to one near us!!! :)


I love your signature!

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! :)




Right now I am listening to the "Burrito Sabanero" song from


i love it!!! It's hard to stay still while listening. :) tuki tuki tuki tu...


Tomorrow is Christmas Eve yay!!!! I'm so excited! At my church, they have a special Christmas Eve service. I help with the babies in the nursery. Afterwards my hubby and I are going to his brother's house! We had an interesting time getting their kids gifts, but I hope they like them! I'm a little nervous because I don't know his family all that well, but that's ok. They are lovely people and I'm sure it'll be a great time!


My hubby is making a cake... I am not a good cook, but my hubby is an excellent one, so much so that people say he should be a Chef! If I made a cake, people would politely say "Oh you shouldn't have!" lol. :p


At my parents' house, my Mom and two of my sisters are the cooks of the family. Growing up, I learned pretty quickly that I didn't share their culinary talents, but I can clean up! So, it worked out well that they would cook, and I and another sister would clean up. Teamwork is a beautiful thing! My Dad is awesome with grill fish he catches... ahh why do I do this to myself? I'm getting hungry now.


Anyways, my family has its own traditions for Christmas Eve. My Dad gets everyone together after everything's been cleaned up. He reads to us either from Matthew or Luke - about Jesus' birth. We sings some Christmas songs... "Away in the Manger", "Silent Night", "Hark the Harold Angels Sing" and so on until the kids' longing eyes convince my Mom it's time to open the Christmas Eve present. Normally we know what it is... pajamas. That's a tradition my Mom loves and we all love - getting new pajamas for Christmas Eve! So, we open the present and then are forbidden to reenter the living room again until Christmas at the approved time.


On Christmas day after the stockings, Dad would read from the other Gospel concerning the birth of Jesus. Then we would open presents! My favorite part is seeing my loved one's expressions, on if they like their gifts! I do admit, I also like receiving my loved ones' gifts too. :)


Right now, I am listening to "The Little Drummer Boy". It's another favorite Christmas song, and has an awesome message!




When my sisters and I were younger, we would present mini-dramas either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, using the Nativity scene and any scraps of material we could find. We would practice for days. It was all very serious. I was the narrator and would read certain verses from the Bible very solemnly but with expression. One of my sisters, who has a lovely voice, would play Mary, and would sing the song Mary sang with a harmony she created. My youngest sister would dutifully move the people in the Nativity scene... bringing Mary and Joseph and the donkey to Bethlehem, looking for room at several different chair (inns), until finally being shown to the Stable that was patiently waiting. The baby Jesus figure was placed carefully and gently into the manger - with Mary on one side and Joseph on the other. The angel figure would fly to the shepherds and sheep posed a short distance away and another sister would voice the part of the angel giving them good tidings. We would all then move the shepherds and sheep figures to join Mary and Joseph, then bring the wise men. My parents would clap; it was a wonderful time!


I won't be writing in this miniblog/journal on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. However, it is so much fun to put memories down in words and I hope you have enjoyed reading them! Christmas is a very special time of year for many people, and I hope you enjoy creating wonderful memories of your own! If you are sad and lonely, please know that you are not alone. Please feel free to see if there's a church nearby that has services where you can go if you want. My church has a service on Christmas day too, and my husband and I are planning to go! I love Christmas Eve and Christmas day services because they are so special, a time of celebrating the birth of Jesus, who Christians believe is the Son of God, the Messiah!


If you are not a Christian, I hope you have an enjoyable time whether you celebrate a fun, secular Christmas or not! I think it's awesome when any person, whether a believer of God or not, helps others and enjoys making any time a special time for other people!


To those who celebrate Hanukkah, Happy Hanukkah and may G-d greatly bless ya'll!!! I don't know very much about Hanukkah, but I wish you a wonderful Hanukkah! :)


The last words I'd like to write in this mini-blog are not mine; they're a copy and paste from Luke (NIV). I boldened the part about peace, because that is my desire for all people - for them to have peace and goodwill!


Luke 1 (NIV)


"1 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while[a] Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register. 4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,

and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.

15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told."

Edited by BetheButterfly
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aw, honey, it sounds like your family has some wonderful Christmas traditions, and I hope that you'll consider getting it on video so that you can enjoy reliving those memories when you're older and your family might not be around. I think any kids you have will be incredibly blessed to have that as part of their life :love::love::love:


thank you for the warm Christmas wishes ~ we pretty much keep it low-key, but our godbaby who works in DC is coming home, and her sisters will be coming into town, so we'll be spending the day with them, I'm really excited about that!

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Hey Bethebutterfly.


Wow, LOVED the picture of grilling freshly caught fish and the team work aspect to your celebrations! Have a fab day. God Bless you all! Seriously happy for you and your family. Especially impressed that your Hubby can bake. My Hubby makes wonderful bread and cakes too.


Well, I am firing up courage to tidy up the house one final time. Still haven't bought Hubby's present as I have no idea what to get him.


I am mostly prayerful right now which is essential for the cooking. Mainly I will open all of the doors in our home and burn candles and oil so that every space is touched. I have a huge amount of gratitude in my heart right now to Our Lord and this is what I am focusing on when thinking of others and when reviewing the past year.


I should be finished by about 2pm and will then hopefully take a stroll into town and find Hubbys present. Hubby is tied to the shop but hopefully will close up a bit earlier today. Well, he better do. I know what he is like for trying to get out of helping with the house, lol.


I miss my eldest daughter a lot - she is in Europe for Christmas. This is our first Christmas not spent together. I was really brave and supported her to go but really, I wish she was here now. But I will get to see her via Skype tomorrow, so chin up. She will be celebrating Christmas today, as they do in Sweden.


Wish she was here. Why do they have to grow up! :laugh:


Looking forward to the lovely big drive to see family on Boxing Day. The family are looking forward to welcoming youngest daughters fiance, so it is going to be time to fire up the karaoke, drink lots of cocktails, eat some delicious food and have the biggest laugh EVER. She has decided not to include her biological dad from Christmas onwards because he does her head in. This includes his side of the family too - they are too drama filled and miserable. Glad that's resolved.


Anyhow, really looking forward to having some more of that mexican moonshine we had last year! That was SO funny!


Merry Christmas all!


All the very very best,

Take care,

Eve x

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