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Dirty tricks for not contacting ex


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Boys is it difficult not to contact my ex especially during the holidays.


Last minute strategies/home remedies I have experimented and they seem to work:


1) Go out and leave your laptop and mobile phone away

2) take St. John's wort (it helps against depression but imo also for not-to-care)

3) contact someone else and try to speak about your problem (they wont help you but those 5 minutes might help to let the hitch fade away)

4) write here on LS (as I am doing it)...

5) workout...not for me but...

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I was hoping for dirtier..!


I'll add some:


*If you are constantly checking your phone hoping for a text from the ex, make the background of your phone a little note to yourself. It can be either something hopeful about good things in your life/future that have nothing to do with the ex, or mine was the big reason why I shouldn't really want a text from the ex (i.e. "he's a selfish loser")

*If possible, encourage friends/family to send you pointless texts whenever they feel like it. It's nice getting texts, even if it's not the one you were (not so) secretly wishing for.

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*Now is the time to indulge by getting obsessed with a TV series or big book. Anything you've ever been curious about, or wanted to read/ watch but thought "nah, it's too low-brow to waste all that time on" or "I don't have the time?"? Download/buy now! I've found watching and reading about situations similar to my own life (contemporary, messy love) make me sad, but grand or crazy stories cheer me up. But I don't watch or read anything the ex liked.

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Make a list of the things that you want to do now and with the rest of your life. When you get down, either do something on your list or make plans to do so. I've employed this strategy of just taking care of myself and I don't miss her anymore. Life got so much easier when I started putting myself first instead of taking care of her.

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great ideas, OP! i don't take st. john's but i've done all the others and they've been very helpful. i also try to lose myself in a good book (which isn't hard to do ;) ). either that or a law & order marathon. love that show.

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Make a list of the things that you want to do now and with the rest of your life. When you get down, either do something on your list or make plans to do so. I've employed this strategy of just taking care of myself and I don't miss her anymore. Life got so much easier when I started putting myself first instead of taking care of her.


Great to find a like-minded person, I enjoy goal setting too! There was a very inspiring thread about a year ago, I don't know why was it in Coping section, as it is more of Self-Improvement. I made goal setting my habit, and have really achieved more since then. As my records show I achieved four goals in 2010, it was my pre goal setting era and really hard year, and this year I achieved ten! So I planned twelve more, some of them are continuous, like read one fiction book a month, and some have their deadlines.

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