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Loss of balance, strange thing started this week

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Guys. I'm falling over and i dont know why. My body and arms and legs feel weak and i start falling over. It started this week although i had similar feelings some time ago. now i'm falling over al the time.


went to the doctor told me to go to MRI but i dont have money, so how can i do it?

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I suggest you go to the ER while you are having an episode. Describe your symptoms honestly, but in a serious tone. Weakness, dizziness, falling down could be symptoms of something serious. They'll do blood work and a CT scan while you are there (or at least that what usually happens).


There are rules in an ER that they must treat everyone who walks through their doors. Your ability to pay won't affect care.


By the way, this isn't medical advice - only advice to get access to health care and diagnostic treatment.

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