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Man.........**** this ****.


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**** everything.


The only thing xmas mean is another ****ty night spent alone haunted by memories of xmas past that I spent with HER.


It's been almost two months since my gf left me. After two years and three months together, she eviscerated me and walked away without a second glance while my disemboweled intestines were lying in a quivering pool at my feet. Figuratively of course.


Does it get better? No. No it doesn't. It gets worse. Every day brings me one step closer to the inevitable silence of the grave. Will anyone ever love me again? Probably not. She didn't. She thought I was an *******. So why the hell would any other girl think differently?


But here's the deal....love isn't real. It's a myth! No such thing! Nobody loves anyone or anything! So if you just accept that, and accept that our meaningless little lives are pathetic and have no impact whatsoever and we all die alone and forgotten, you'll get through the days much easier.


Just drink. Drink and **** whatever chick will let you **** her, and sit back and wait for the cold embrace of death. That's my plan.



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Hey man. I have seen your story (-ies). Su*ks, right? Theres h*e, bi**h, bitc* circulating in my mind often. Its hard to grasp the meaning of it all. Just know youre not alone messed up like this.

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It's been two months, and you sound like it happened yesterday. Stop wallowing in self-pity. You should be going out and having fun. If you don't regain some confidence and try to make your life better/happier, then your prediction that nobody will ever love you will be self-fulfilling.

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**** everything.


The only thing xmas mean is another ****ty night spent alone haunted by memories of xmas past that I spent with HER.


It's been almost two months since my gf left me. After two years and three months together, she eviscerated me and walked away without a second glance while my disemboweled intestines were lying in a quivering pool at my feet. Figuratively of course.


Does it get better? No. No it doesn't. It gets worse. Every day brings me one step closer to the inevitable silence of the grave. Will anyone ever love me again? Probably not. She didn't. She thought I was an *******. So why the hell would any other girl think differently?


But here's the deal....love isn't real. It's a myth! No such thing! Nobody loves anyone or anything! So if you just accept that, and accept that our meaningless little lives are pathetic and have no impact whatsoever and we all die alone and forgotten, you'll get through the days much easier.


Just drink. Drink and **** whatever chick will let you **** her, and sit back and wait for the cold embrace of death. That's my plan.




Jesus Christ, of course it will get better.


How were you 5 years ago? Alive and well without her. And that's where you'll be 5 years from now. Unless of course you want to spend your time being pissed, drunk, literally pissed, and bumpin' uglies with any woman that'll have you. Then you can keep stumbling through life and wake up with a head full of regrets one day because you let some chick way back when shape and ruin your life. You will miss the time you wasted.


She didn't want you, so what! Don't think for one moment that makes her better than you, because it doesn't. It just makes her wrong for you.


Allow yourself Christmas to be angry. But, you Mr., need a New Years Resolution!

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I've got a certain degree of sypmathy with fallenheart, I'm 7 months out and I still get the feelings he's been talking about. Sometimes love really hits us guys really hard. I know it's my big weakness. But one day it will again be the source of my true happiness with the right person.


Sometimes you've got to really hit rock bottom before you can bring yourself back up.


It's like in 500 Days of Summer when one day after wollowing in misery for so long he just finds it in himself to do something with his life. That will happen to all of us sooner or later, but for now we've got to ride out the storm.

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I was miserable too but life gets better. Concentrate on yourself and give to others less fortunate. It's funny how just those little things help turn you around.


I'm 2 months out of a 5 year relationship where we lived together and owned a house together. The only time I feel any emotion about her at all anymore is how much it is ticking me off the way she is making the court issues a pain in the butt. But even then those feelings fade quickly because I'm not worried about her, I'm taking care of myself.


No one is worth being miserable over. I learned to love myself just the way I am and things got much easier.


Only you can make your life better. If you choose to wallow in your sadness then that is where you shall reside. Make the changes you need to make and your life will get better.

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