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Don't parents realize...


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In the UK. I believe it says under my user name.


So are the unemployed (there is a large number of them in the US) all starving to death then? Or are they (as I'm assuming they are doing) making ends meet, adjusting to temporary circumstances?


Well, assuming they are lucky to be living with a partner, other relative or friend who can cover the rent or mortgage, unemployment is nowhere near enough to afford your monthly rent or mortgage payment, UNLESS you live in a very affordable or rural area. When the economy went down, a lot of people lost their houses when they lost their jobs. So a lot of people have to give up their homes, especially if they are experiencing long term unemployment and have to live with parents or other relatives and friends. I think the UK has a lot better benefits from what I've heard. Don't they have a year maternity and paternity leave? Or was that Canada?

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Well, assuming they are lucky to be living with a partner, other relative or friend who can cover the rent or mortgage, unemployment is nowhere near enough to afford your monthly rent or mortgage payment, UNLESS you live in a very affordable or rural area. When the economy went down, a lot of people lost their houses when they lost their jobs. So a lot of people have to give up their homes, especially if they are experiencing long term unemployment and have to live with parents or other relatives and friends. I think the UK has a lot better benefits from what I've heard. Don't they have a year maternity and paternity leave? Or was that Canada?


I think a free health care system is what makes a lot of difference, that's what we have. It's not efficient but at least you don't die on the street.


I don't think a mother's unemployment should hold back someone from moving out though, there is all sorts of things that can be done. If my mother got unemployed tomorrow, I wouldn't have to move back in to her house to help her financially and I have a mortgage to pay as well.

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Good point! He might feel obligated to stay, but as it sounds it's not a wonderful living arrangement and he pays rent, so he should be able to move out. He shouldn't have to bear them complaining about his weight or other issues that might be going on if he's forced to live there and support his mom until she get's back on her feet. UpDown, I hope they're treating you better now that you are the one with the stable income in the household, otherwise, you have every right to move out when you want.

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Well it's official!!!!!!! I'm moving!!!! I will have my own place within the next 30 days (way sooner when the right apartment comes along). I made a large payment that allows me to move out. Super excited!!!!! :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:


Better get back to apartment hunting. :cool: :cool: :cool:

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