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Made the mistake, textd her Merry Xmas


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Lost it and texted my entire contact list "Merry Christmas everyone!" and made sure to also include my ex. She got it and replied "Merry Christmas to you too!"


I miss her like crazy. This just brought me down and shouldn't have done this.


If you're also thinkin of doing it, don't, it's not worth it. Now I'm gonna have trouble enjoying the evening with my family with this on my mind. I just want her to text me she loves me and wants me back...again.


Merry Christmas everyone of LS. Sorry I don't mean to be a bummer.

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Yea its hard when they were the ones to break up with you. The ball really is in their court. Just hold tight and rock steady.


I texted my ex that broke up with me he responded that "You made my day" but he didn't say I miss you and we need to talk.


I know he was waiting for me to bite the bait but he will need to say something real to me in order for me to respond.

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Lost it and texted my entire contact list "Merry Christmas everyone!" and made sure to also include my ex. She got it and replied "Merry Christmas to you too!"


I miss her like crazy. This just brought me down and shouldn't have done this.


If you're also thinkin of doing it, don't, it's not worth it. Now I'm gonna have trouble enjoying the evening with my family with this on my mind. I just want her to text me she loves me and wants me back...again.


Merry Christmas everyone of LS. Sorry I don't mean to be a bummer.


Well on the positive side, I am glad you were the bigger person in this whole situation. But I am sorry it made you feel crappy :/ I managed to refrain from sending my ex anything and I haven't heard from him, but his younger sister texted me saying Merry Christmas and that I was beautiful and that we (her family) misses me so much. It kinda made me feel bleh, but I just embraced it and smiled that his family is still on my side despite him having a new girl. Keep your head up dude, it is hard now, but it will get easier. Just look around and smile at about all the blessings you have in your life and enjoy the company of people that truly love you. Never forget that you are not alone

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Be thankful you all have had responses, at least your ex respects you as a person. I texted my ex girlfriend "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family" and she didn't even respond. I even saw her sister out the other night and went up to her/wished her the same thing; she was nice to me at least and she should be since I didn't do anything wrong. Be thankful you all got a response, my ex girlfriend is just a cold hearted human being that can't even say thank you back. After all I did for her, I will never forget this one..........

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I can honestly say I wish I never got a reply. I would've taken it as a motivation to keep moving on instead of another chip for my ants for brain to obsess over. But I can eeryone takes things differently. I just hate that it creates doubts and makes me think I could get her back and encourages me to try when I need to stay no contact.

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That is exactly why I didn't text my ex. I thought about it believe me but my wounds are still fresh I mean he just dumped me last week and I am slowly getting over him but until then I am not a strict NC diet per say:p Don't beat yourself up though! It happened and I imagine it opened those wounds back up and now you are missing her right? Best thing to do is hang out with friends and try and get your mind off of her for a bit.

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Do what you want to do. I'm not sure what advice you want or anyone can give you. You get bored, feel a bit lonely, and you think about you ex, you text her, you write about it here. You've been doing this for quite a while now, and nothing changes. She is pleasant back; people here say nice things; you feel crap; and the whole cycle repeats.


I think you keep doing this because you're afraid to change, to do something that might hurt you again. Staying in the same rut may feel crappy, but it's guaranteed to not lead you to somewhere you might actually get hurt again. This is the appeal of unrequited love and it's bedfellow, regret: they can't let you down. They are constant and predictable. They belong to you. No-one else can take them away from you so you feel safe. Even if it is in a bed of thorns, it's a bed.


I've been there, so I can tell you with some confidence that when you let go and stop constructing a sad, depressing yet familiar and reliable world for yourself, it feels good. Scary at times, and sometimes a it can be overwhelming, but you get used to it, and you'll ask yourself, "why didn't I let go sooner?!" and you'll feel free. So let it go, and dare to be happy.

Edited by betterdeal
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...texted my entire contact list "Merry Christmas everyone!" and made sure to also include my ex.


Idiot.... :confused:


I can honestly say I wish I never got a reply.


confused idiot.....:rolleyes::p


If a fire is burning, and you know it burns, why do you keep putting your hand in it and burning yourself? Put up a fireguard and keep away!


Let this be a lesson to you.

If you give in to weakness again, next time, I'll be really harsh!! ;):D

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I left mine a present for her and one for the dog for when she stopped by our shared house and visited the animals and left them stockings. She must have felt guilty because she wrapped up something (I assume it was with her stuff that I placed in the garage or in her car) that she found real quick at the house. It was a last minute guilty present. It gave me a giggle that she did that.


I had no feelings associated with her gift and just tossed it in my box of stuff from her in the attic then went about my day as usual.


Next is the mediator appointment tomorrow. She's too stubborn to realize I gave her an easy out so this will end up in court and at that point I'm playing everything by the law. I've been nice as I wish her no ill will but that bias ends if she doesn't agree to my well more than fair offer tomorrow.

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I thought about contacting my ex. As time goes on I find myself being less angry and praying for him. I wanted to call him on Christmas, but I did not. I just thought about all the things he did to me. Because he was very mean to me I did not. He did not contact me either. It's better that way.

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I thought about contacting my ex. As time goes on I find myself being less angry and praying for him. I wanted to call him on Christmas, but I did not. I just thought about all the things he did to me. Because he was very mean to me I did not. He did not contact me either. It's better that way.

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I agree with YouNeverKnow86 - you're lucky to have had responses! I've a feeling that these exes (who didn't respond) will at some point make contact with us if/when they are free again (probably after being dumped) and apologise for not having been in touch!!

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PerfectlyFlawed - I agree with your ex's younger sister's comment re you being beautiful. Your photo is lovely!

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PerfectlyFlawed - I agree with your ex's younger sister's comment re you being beautiful. Your photo is lovely!


Aww thank you so much :) You are very sweet!

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