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If you felt sad today, read this.....

smokey bear

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I logged on facebook tonight just after midnight, the end of christmas day and what was i greeted with?


lots and lots of posts saying "aww i feel down now."


We the dumpee's feel down and have done for a period of time now, yes xmas day was a sad day for us but i think most of us will feel relieved now its over while all the Dumpers will now be feeling the holiday blues.


The great day of excitement comes and go's, leaving them in a low. They have spent too much money or drank too much while the dumpee's have been making effort for quite some time to get back on their feet and in a good position financially, us dumpee's know not to overdo the drink so we dont feel too sad.


We've lost weight rather than piling on the holiday pounds, we have been striving to reach goals in life so a new years resolution is not a patch on what we've already achieved.


The new year brings a new start for us, what does it bring for the dumpers?



According to experts, January 19th has been identified as the worst day of the year:


January has been long regarded as the darkest of months, but a formula from Dr Cliff Arnall, psychologist and former tutor at Cardiff University, who has used mathematical equations to reach his verdict.


Foul weather, debt, fading Christmas memories, failed resolutions and a lack of motivation conspire to depre...ss, Cliff Arnalls found.


The expert behind this study also came up with a formula to back up the study:


The formula for the day of misery reads 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA.


Where W is weather, D is debt - minus the money (d) due on January’s pay day - and T is the time since Christmas.


Q is the period since the failure to quit a bad habit, M stands for general motivational levels and NA is the need to take action and do something about it.


While the 19th may or may not be the most depressing day of the year, there’s little doubt that many people feel down at the beginning of a new year. Over the Holiday/Christmas period many people will have had time off work, spent a lot of time with friends and family, consumed a lot of alcohol, given and received gifts, and a lot of plans for the new year. When the new year becomes a reality, many are left with few memories of the festive period, debts, the feeling of loneliness and broken resolutions.


We have been through worse dumpee's, keep your chin up, it was just one little day, there's only one more to go this year. Be the best you can be and remember, the pain doesnt last forever

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Xmas day was hard for me, I'm glad it's over, but I feel like New Years is going to be an even bumpier ride, it's more of a romantic holiday where you're supposed to be dancing with your partner at midnight and giving them a kiss to start off the new year. I'll be sitting here alone, or maybe with some family members, listening to the people who choose to set off fireworks outside, and I think that may feel worse than Xmas. After that, smooth sailing for a while, and then Valentine's Day! lol

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