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Think its over.

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(me25 canada, him21usa 5yrs)

I was in for a surprise, I think it's over..


Since my return last week he's been ignoring me to go out everynight and I took a beef with that, its hard to leave and just never see him, He claimed he missed me so much but he was never around, so i was pretty ticked about that but it wasn't the deal breaker.


For Christmas he got some extra money and I said well mail some of that on down to me and ill book the next flight, he made every excuse not to that really pissed me off since I pay for everything it blew up and we broke up.


The fact that his phone's off the hook all the time and that he could break up with me so easy after a trip? I think its pretty real.


I don't feel very sad, well I am very sad I think im just to tired to feel, I feel pretty numb this blow up shocked me I don't understand why it was so huge and why it had to be relationship breaking, actually I don't know what I should be feeling at all?


we've had break ups before, I usually chase...i'm not chasing.

So that's why I think it might def be the end.

Edited by Omei
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Money: one of the major reasons long distance relationships with no set end-date end prematurely.


Chances are that despite his good acting, he may not have been happy in the relationship for quite some time and was looking for an escape clause. Perhaps you learned something important: in future relationships it is better to let serious conversations take more time to resolve rather than becoming angry or pissed off.


As for your ex-SO... I'm not quite sure what he would have learned....


/ hug to you

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I'm sorry to hear that, Omei. :(


Reading your past posts, though, I get the impression that you might indeed find yourself happier after this breakup, once some time has passed. I can't judge your relationship just based on your posts, only you can - but you have been unhappy about it for quite some time now, and it seems he has not been treating you as he should. Perhaps this is for the best.


Head up, and stay strong!

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