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Ex has contacted me!!! In shock!


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No my ex hasn't said anything else either. I doubt he will- what else is there to say?

Some people have said that my forgiving him has taken his guilt away and he can carry on with his life as normal, but I think I had to forgive him as I didn't want to show I was bitter as I didn't want him to think I'm still upset over the situation or still pining after him. Its a new year coming up and I wanted to show I was being mature and moving forward..

Edited by flow15
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You did not show any lingering feelings.


If forgiving him helped you then who cares what it did for him? You're in this for your own healing.

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Thanks Philosoraptor, that's a relief that it doesn't show I'm pining for him still.


I'm glad loveshack is working again, I've had a tough few days and needed to post!!


Basically since he's apologised, I can't get him off my mind!!


I've been so close to calling him, to texting him, to unblocking him from skype...


I am so torn... a part of me thinks of him as this * * * * * * * who didn't treat me well, who was in control and who did what he wanted. when I focus on that I thank god I'm out of the situation now and it really helps to maintain NC and move on from him.....


But then there is another part of me that thinks of the good times, that thinks about how much he used to care about me and love me, all the things he used to do for me, the fun we used to have, the connection we had, and also the fact that he has now apologised which shows he has a heart- and I struggle, it makes me want him back so bad, it makes me want to contact him and wish he was coming after me and wish we were back together like when it was good.



I know there is nothing that I can do, if he wants me he'll come after me. But I think- what if hes scared because now he can see how much he hurt me?


Its taking me so long to forget about him, I can't see myself forgetting about him, I can't see myself moving on at all. I wish I could be strong and just think- I'm not gonna waste any more time with him.... I felt that way 2 months ago when I walked away from him, but now that he's apologised I realise I miss him and want him to want me again.

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When we are apart we many times minimize the negatives and maximize the positives. Don't read too much into his most recent action. He said sorry, nothing else... so don't expect anything else. Continue on your path to healing.

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Thanks Philosoraptor, that's a relief that it doesn't show I'm pining for him still.


I'm glad loveshack is working again, I've had a tough few days and needed to post!!


Basically since he's apologised, I can't get him off my mind!!


I've been so close to calling him, to texting him, to unblocking him from skype...


I am so torn... a part of me thinks of him as this * * * * * * * who didn't treat me well, who was in control and who did what he wanted. when I focus on that I thank god I'm out of the situation now and it really helps to maintain NC and move on from him.....


But then there is another part of me that thinks of the good times, that thinks about how much he used to care about me and love me, all the things he used to do for me, the fun we used to have, the connection we had, and also the fact that he has now apologised which shows he has a heart- and I struggle, it makes me want him back so bad, it makes me want to contact him and wish he was coming after me and wish we were back together like when it was good.



I know there is nothing that I can do, if he wants me he'll come after me. But I think- what if hes scared because now he can see how much he hurt me?


Its taking me so long to forget about him, I can't see myself forgetting about him, I can't see myself moving on at all. I wish I could be strong and just think- I'm not gonna waste any more time with him.... I felt that way 2 months ago when I walked away from him, but now that he's apologised I realise I miss him and want him to want me again.



Flow!! i just sent you a PM!

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