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Haha therapy is silly


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(Disclaimer: for anyone who goes to counseling and has found it helpful, that's great! I'm just venting about my experience with it today and I'm not saying it can't do anyone any good)


So I caved and talked to someone today. Not really my idea, I'm a stubborn person who feels like seeking out a stranger to help with my problems (and paying them for it) just makes me feel even weaker. But my family insists I need help in times like this, so I thought what the heck, it was somewhere to go for an hour.


The funniest thing to me is how the therapist kept saying my name every few minutes, as if it makes the conversation sooooo much more engaging just because you're reminding me what my name is. Is that what they learn in school? "Just offer vague advice but make sure you say their name every few minutes and they'll be hooked!".


I know the idea of therapy isn't to have someone come up with the answers for you or tell you what to do, but then really, what's so helpful about it? If I decide to go to someone to help me with a problem, I expect them to be able to proactively help! I wouldn't call a doctor to help me re-shingle a roof just to have them stand there and say "well, you do what you feels best". I'd call the roofer who can get up there and do a better job at fixing the problem than I can. I don't need a sounding board, I can sit here and ask myself vague questions on my own. Do I have a lot of enjoyment in my life? No. Do I know that things are totally over with my ex? No. Do I think it would be a good idea to try to have more fun in my life? Yes.


And yes, it was just my first visit, and maybe I will go again, but I don't think it will do much. I left today with no real improvement, just the same old ideas: focus on myself, find what's enjoyable in life aside from wanting a relationship, try to make new friends in public places. (Does ANYONE realize how impractical that is? The gym for instance, other than anyone looking to get some action in a bathroom stall, you go to the gym, put your headphones on, do your workout, and leave. You approach someone and try to strike up a conversation or ask for a phone number and you look like a friggin psycho).


But hey, maybe it's a new career path to consider, I enjoy listening to people and being there for them, and if all I have to do is say "I'm not here to tell you what to do, what do you think", it seems like a good gig. Oh, and I'll have to remember to say their name.

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This is like saying you don't think there is anything to learn by studying math because you went to a math class and it was silly and the professor wasn't any good. Math is infinitely grand in its depth, nobody who goes to one class could ever grasp that.

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I haven't been to a therapist so I can't say for sure whether there are better ones out there. I'd be interested to hear other people's experiences with them?


If your family want you to go again, or you are interested in trying it out once more, I'd suggest going to a different therapist. I read a research article about how good or bad the first session of therapy was tends to predict how successful the therapy will be overall.... also you don't need another relationship to try and salvage, particularly when you're paying them..!

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I went to a few therapists before I found one that I worked well with. I had two that were fairly useless before I found a great therapist. You can give it another day but if you don't feel it you don't feel it.


I found a new therapist that I felt an instant click with and it really helped me a ton. We would talk well after the session was over almost every week as there was a ton of bounce back in both directions.

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I caught my first therapist staring out the window at times. First and last session with that bozo.


My second therapist actually called me at home one time to make sure I was alright. Very attentive... remembers things we've discussed many sessions ago without referring to her notes... doesn't let me get away with BS and tries to make our time together productive...


In short, don't go with the first one you find. I think that my therapist and I aren't on the same page sometimes, but the fact that she has a genuine interest in my well-being keeps me going.


Therapy in and of itself won't solve all your problems. You have to do the work on your own no matter what. The therapist is simply a guide. You still have to take the journey by moving your own two feet.

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