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Still about ex attitude while chatting...


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Everything I read here about behaviors of guilty dumpees, it happened with my ex.


From being him passive aggressive, to cheating, lying, blaming me for everything and beyond, aggressing me when he got caught, making up reasons to blame me when he has none and even claiming having said things he never said and accusing of me having a selective memory. Everything...


Now i still happen to contact him from time to time as i need to move some stuff still out of his house...please note: I contact him, he never contacts me...


He behaves as if we were friends and nothing happened and expects me to do the same...


When he sees that this is not the case with me (I don't feeling like telling him about me: how I feel what I do and so on) then he becomes a mirror of my replaies (it's easily seen it by chatting as you can see the chat history after the conversation) so if I wave then he waves (to say goodbye) if i send a smiley then he sends a smiley as if he were scared of what move he should be doing with me...


Might his attitude change when I got totally NC?


What's your experience about it?

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Only one way to find out.

Go NC, and don't even think of breaking it.

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