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unwanted contact from ex again


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Well it's been over three weeks and my ex contacted me again. He didn't throw the woman he cheated on me in my face this time. He alternates between wanting to be my friend and throwing his woman in my face. My roommate sent him a text back telling him we would contact the police if he does not leave me alone. That was his third warning. I'm dreading starting the process of filing a report against him, but what else can I do? My roommate said (it's my rommate's phone) if he does it again, he will talk to him on the phone and let him know. All other times our warnings have been through emails, voicemails and text. He will actually talk to him on the phone. I did trying doing that a month ago, twice, but he did not answer, so I left messages. Well this time, my roommate will talk to him on the phone. After that if he tries to contact me, we are going ahead with the police report. I did not respond to my ex.


This is just insane. He tells me he feels like he's been waiting his whole life for this woman. Yet, he refuses to leave me alone. He just refuses to leave me alone. He doesn't care about letting me heal. He doesn't care about how much he upsets me. He wants what he wants. He wants to marry the woman he cheated on me with AND he wants to keep me in his life. No matter how many times I tell him it's not going to happen. No matter how many times I ignore him, no matter how many times we threaten to go to the police, he won't stop harassing me. I guess he won't stop until we finally take that step to file the police report.

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Wow, what an *******. Yea, change your number, get a restraining order. If thats what it takes, do it. You're gonna look back on this and be like "Thank GOD I never married that guy..."

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Shook187 and Melrapuo: Thanks, but I can't change the number. The phone belongs to my roommate and it's on his brother's account. He asked his brother twice to change the number, but his brother said that changing the number would be too much trouble.

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Ever since my ex called again, I've been thinking about him constantly. Today I had a VERY strong urge to go on his facebook page. But I did not. I wanted to contact him, but I did not. He psychologically abused me...what does it say if I contact him? I have to stay strong. If I contact him, I set myself up to be abused by men in the future. I have to be strong and take a stand against this behavior.

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You can block his number. Call the phone company.


Just did that recently. It takes a weight off your shoulders when you don't have to worry about NC 24/7

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You can block his number. Call the phone company.



As I said in a previous entry, I cannot. Before I couldn't block him at all. Now I have a landline that I can block him from, but I can't block him from the cell phone in the house. My roommate has it and it is under my roommate's brother account. To block or change the number would require the account holder to do it. My roommate's brother doesn't want the number changed because he said it would be too much effort. We offered to pay and he said no...it's too much effort. That would have been a one time fee to pay to have the number changed. To block is an ongoing fee once a month. He wants to leave things the way they are. I don't think he gets how much I suffered. He refuses to help us change the number. So the only thing I can do is contact the police next time.

Edited by CopingGal
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My ex has not called again, thank goodness, but I suspect he will call me on Valentine's Day. I am prepared to go to the police if he keeps it up. I came into 2012 without him. I left his butt behind in 2011.


He's such a dummy. He's engaged to this stupid old hag. He shouldn't be contacting me. I have not initiated any contact whatsoever since about December 5th. that was it for me...the last straw...the final straw. I am now a firm believe in NC. I see how much it helps.

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