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How will you improve in 2012?


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This thread is not about your ex ((so you can't say you hope to move on from them/forget about them/etc))..this is your life!!! do things to better yourself as a person!!...


I will trust my heart but listen to my head and pay attention to all the little red flags and bells I let go by. I won't be ok with something and let it pass just because I love the person...so I will not settle for anything less than I deserve. I hope to also find happiness and love within myself so I don't go out searching for them in someone else thus not depending on someone else to be happy :)


What about you?? :)

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I will finally escape my demons.


I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I've always thought the year I turned 24 (2012) would be the defining year in my life. 2011 has been the worst year of my life so I'm determined to make 2012 count because I sure as hell am not going to go through this again.

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I am with the OP. I am going to look out for red flags and follow my instincts from now on. I tend to ignore them at times but this time around I am going to pay more attention:p

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This year I did a lot of improving on myself, learned to be on my own, got hobbies, focused on my career. I hope this will continue in 2012...


For 2012, I just wish that ...I'll start dating again. :lmao:

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Listening to and trusting me before anyone or anything else. Not just in relationships, but in life itself.


If I had done that, alot of negative things I have endured would not have happened.

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Enjoy being single , be less afraid and get out of the house more . Be good to myself and respect myself . Forgive myself , love myself .

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Enjoy being single , be less afraid and get out of the house more . Be good to myself and respect myself . Forgive myself , love myself .


This x 10.

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- Focusing on my career and what I want out of life.


- Getting into the best shape of my life.


2012 will be MY year.


I cant wait until the clock goes past 12 on New Years.


My journey begins :)

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In 2012 I will:


- Get in the best shape of my life (no more skipping gym - eating profiteroles and watch the big bang theory is not reason enough!)


- Be more sociable and make more female friends.


- Have more fun; actually scratch that. "Have fun" sounds good enough considering I have no idea how to do that. Playing checkers and shopping on my own is not fun enough anymore.


- Stop taking **** from people I don't care about


- Visit a different continent (New York, New York!)


- Improve my french.


- Move on with my career. Overcome my fears over my performance. Go to an international congress. Earn professional respect and be recognized. Start working towards a Nobel Prize ahah!


- Move out of this God forsaken place (USA sounds pretty cool atm, but open to others)


- Get engaged with the love of my life (fine, need to get a boy first)


- Learn more about economics and politics.

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First and foremost:


*!!!{ MAKE MORE ART! }!!!*


And then:


-Make new friends, be more sociable with the old ones


-Stop procrastinating


-Find more work


-Get into good shape (physically and mentally) .. (and I guess spiritually as well, why not)


That's about it. Next!

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In 2012 I will continue to take care of myself by walking, zumba and the treadmill that I use to loathe so much.


I will continue to focus on getting back to being myself, remember to breathe, and appreciate all that I have instead of what is no longer in my life.


I will call my mother weekly.. even if the very thought makes me cringe. *That's going to be the tough one*

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