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Unprotected Sex?????


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I have a question. I have a new GF, and want to try unprotected sex with her, because I am not used to condoms, and every time I tried to put it on it killed my erection. Nwow, is there any time during her cycle, when there is no chnace of her getting pregnanant? Like 1 or 2 days right after her period ends???


can someone enlighten me here, so I can enlighten her and try to persuade her to have sex with me witout a condom. She does not want birth control pills because I guess of some negative seide effects associated with it....


thank you

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More than likely, she is smart enough not to want unprotected sex with you because she doesn't know where you have been in the past. Step one is to get a complete physical including an AIDS test to give her some comfort that you will not deal her a death penalty at worst, or give her some other STD.


As far as preventing pregnancy, it is perfectly safe to have intercourse for five days after a woman's period. It is fairly safe to have sex five days before a woman's period and absolutely safe to have sex during her period if you wish. A woman can still be ovulating just before her period so this isn't a perfectly safe time.


For my money, I think mother nature loves to play tricks. If I didn't want a woman to get pregnant and she didn't want to use birth control, I would keep it in my pants or find another woman who was on birth control. Eighteen years of unplanned child support can really cramp your style of living.


Condoms are not a foolproof method for birth control nor is using anything made out of extremely thin rubber a foolproof way of doing anything.

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I must mention that Tony is wrong.


It's not absoltely safe to have intercourse for about 9 days before the period or during the period. Sperm in semen can survive for several days in the vaginal environment, depending on the acidity or base-levels. Each woman is different and women who use the rhythm method have to examin cervical mucous and basal body tempertature to gauge ovulation. It can happen any time after the period.


You may also be carrying an STD that she can contract which causes cervical cancer in women. It has no symptoms in men. It's called HPV, human papilloma virus, related to genital warts. I have HPV. There is no cure, only regular pap smears can determine cancer status. It can also cause pain during intercourse and other problems. About 80% of the sexually active population has had or currently has this virus. Do your research and you'll find this info.


You put a hell of a lot of responsibility on the woman's shoulders when you say let's use the rhythm method. If you mess up, she gets pregnant. Abortions are not easy to deal with adn can cause an enormous amount of psychological dysfunction.


Condoms are the most effective form of non-pharmaceutical birth control, aside from abstinence. Put it on and shut up.

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Tell her, "If you really love me, you'll let me do it w/out a rubber."



No, seriously, I think some negotiating on your part is ok, but don't be too pushy. And I definitely agree with Tony...getting an std test, and showing her the results can't hurt. Good luck.

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Well said Nina!

I must mention that Tony is wrong. It's not absoltely safe to have intercourse for about 9 days before the period or during the period. Sperm in semen can survive for several days in the vaginal environment, depending on the acidity or base-levels. Each woman is different and women who use the rhythm method have to examin cervical mucous and basal body tempertature to gauge ovulation. It can happen any time after the period. You may also be carrying an STD that she can contract which causes cervical cancer in women. It has no symptoms in men. It's called HPV, human papilloma virus, related to genital warts. I have HPV. There is no cure, only regular pap smears can determine cancer status. It can also cause pain during intercourse and other problems. About 80% of the sexually active population has had or currently has this virus. Do your research and you'll find this info. You put a hell of a lot of responsibility on the woman's shoulders when you say let's use the rhythm method. If you mess up, she gets pregnant. Abortions are not easy to deal with adn can cause an enormous amount of psychological dysfunction.


Condoms are the most effective form of non-pharmaceutical birth control, aside from abstinence. Put it on and shut up.

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I stand corrected and am glad that you corrected my mistake. There is a lot of misinformation floating around about this subject, which may account for many little surprises that surface from time to time. Sorry for my inaccuracies. I probably shouldn't ahve tackled this question but I am very grateful to be corrected on this issue.

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