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the angry text


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whereas I never thought I would become a victim of anger and sending an angry text, I have just done it.


I actually was doing very well, had a very nice christmas. I had blocked my FB account because it was distracting me too much and the ex had been blocked for 2,5 months. Today however, I decided to activate FB again because I needed some friends' addresses which I have in my FB inbox. At the same time I thought it might be time to unblock the ex, as I thought I'd dealt with it and wanted 200 or so photos I was tagged in but were his. STUPID MISTAKE!!! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!! Facebook just makes everything worse. I found out by accident that he'd tagged a photo with all our friends, a photo on which I was on aswell but was left untagged, unmentioned whatsoever. He'd been starting a convo in which he'd been egging everyone on to come and spend NYE and some other important holiday with, excluding me from it all, obviously, as everyone was already busy buying tickets. Noone had rreally noticed me not taking part in the convo as he was the one who added them all and tagged them all.


I got angry because it seemed such a childish thing to publicly arrange all these events without me, while they are my friends too and I was hoping I could celebrate it with them, the least he could have done was do it privately or email me about it and discuss how we were going to arrange it in future..


So what did I do, I sent a message thanking him for trying to own everyone, and have fun.


AND NOW I FEEL LIKE **** AGAIN! :( And I thought I was doing so well....

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Simply enough; you messed up. One who is healing does not let the actions of an immature ex ruin their path to happiness. You now look like the immature one and I am sure he will be happy to share that with everyone and attacking you for being jealous etc. Or maybe he is actually over you and it wont bother him... and he just wanted to get the group together for the holiday.


I dunno... but either way you made a mistake and that is why you've been set back. Most of us do stupid things when a relationship ends... myself included. Please learn from this and work on self control.

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When I left my ex, I stayed off of facebook for a long time. When I went back, I bloced him and he remains blocked until this day. I do feel tempted, but I know if I go to his facebook page, disaster waits for me. I just stay strong and do not go. Sometimes I wish facebook was never invented.

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