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Ways to tell best friend "I love you"


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Ok, so I'm a 14yo guy and a freshman in HS. My best friend (girl) is the same age. So basically her and I went to 7th and 8th grade together and at the end of 8th grade I ask her out and we were going out throughout that summer but we both decided to break up once HS started because we would rarely see each other. Now, we remained best friends and I absolutely still have a huge crush and her and I love her to death. She loves me to death too. We try and hang out as often as we can. So I was just asking for some cute things to text her that tell her I love her, but not too like intimately because we obviously aren't dating. Just little cute things to say to her that tell her I love her are all I need. Thanks guys:love:

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If you rarely see each other, then take the feelings you had/have from that past experience and grow them into another dating relationship with another girl. Save the 'I love you's' for more adult romantic relationships after high school and college.


If you can't directly tell her you love her as a 'best friend' and mean it, then just keep it zipped. That's my advice.

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Lose this:


I absolutely still have a huge crush <on> her


and you will mean it. Until then, it's an untruth. You don't have crushes on best friends. Think about your best and closest male friend. Do you want to diddle him? Probably not, but you might pull him from in front of a speeding car. You love him as a friend. You don't currently love her as a friend. You still want to do stuff with her that men do with women. For more information on this nuance, please speak with your father.

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