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I am losing it.......


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My ex broke up with me recently and I have moved on from him I do not even think about him anymore because I have finally accepted it is over. However......... I recently ran into a old ex from my senior year of High School and Freshman year in college and now I want him back what?? I haven't seen him since I was a freshman and that was 6 years ago and suddenly I want him back? I am clearly losing it:( I even attempted to make a date with him just to get back with him! I do not know if I am looking for rebounds or trying to re-live the past but clearly I am not in a right state of mind. What is wrong with me? I guess maybe because it is getting close to NYE and I was supposed to be with the man I loved but he left me for another woman and now I am single and alone and feel depressed. I have no more feelings for the man who stomped on my heart and left me for another woman instead I am trying to re-live the past with someone who was my high school sweetheart? Could I be anymore pathetic?:(

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hey girl :) i went through the same feelings as you did...a month after ex "y" broke up with me i wanted ex "z" back. i think its normal to feel that way, or for me now i realize i was feeling vulnerable and was trying to find someone to fill the hole and of course you think of the next best person who you had a lovely time with and good memories. i realized i was so used to having someone with me than being alone was scary and i needed someone by my side. i felt depressed and alone too and thought i was going cuckoo cause it didnt make any sense hehe but you will get through it, i promise :) with time you will come to realize the feelings are normal because you are going through the healing process and i find that i am now really enjoying being single and having time to myself cause i am learning so much!! hugs to you! once the holidays pass you will be able to breathe easier :)))

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Thanks. It has been an odd week altogether! First I run into my old ex and then 2 days later my most recent ex the one who left me for another woman texted me and said sorry for cheating on you. I meant to tell you many,many times but the timing was always bad ( ya,whatever) and said I still love and think about you all the time you will always be my friend and I hope you can be mine. Ya right! I would never be his friend:sick: and that is when I started losing it and thinking maybe I need to get back with my HS sweetheart maybe it was fate. I just need 2011 to end and start a new chapter in my life.

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