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Are we to be shot next??(Is it very probable/News seem to say that)

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I'm hearing about tons of gun violence and everytime in the news, there's something like that. Even in my not so big city. And robberies etc.


What do we do? Just have to accept it that sooner or later we're gonna be shot? (in america)


we were robbed already in my house a few times. and i dont know what to tthink.

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Please go read your thread in the sexual health section. There are wonderful replies to you on there.


You need to try to get this stuff under control and not let 'worries' and health anxiety ruin your life. Worry about something that may or may not happen isn't a good way to live.


I could get run over by a car tomorrow, I could be struck by lightening, I could slip and fall, hit my head, then die. Or maybe if I walk to the store, some weird guy will follow me, grab me and rape me or possibly kill me. Would it be best for me to stay home? That way I'm safer. Pad myself top to bottom so I won't hurt myself? Never walk across the road, drive a car, this way I won't get run over or be in an accident? You tell me.

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And let's not forget about that big Russian satellite that's going to fall out of the sky soon, maybe on the OP's house! :rolleyes: Start digging a very deep hole, man!

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I've heard it doesn't hurt too bad as long as it isn't in the stomach.


I've been considering just shooting myself. I don't want them to have the satisfaction.

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Crime is actually very low compared to the 70s and 80s. Just stay out of trouble and you should be okay. Even in the worst neighborhood if you mind your business you should be fine.

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I've heard it doesn't hurt too bad as long as it isn't in the stomach.


Every time I've been shot in the stomach, it didn't hurt that much.


It's when a bullet shatters my femur, THEN we're talking pain.


If I had a dime for every time THAT'S happened!

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I'll repost from the other forum for your reference:


quietGuy, you need to learn when to not come to this forum. Let's break your 2011 history down:


June 12th: You reported that you had spine problems and couldn't raise your arms above your shoulders.


June 29th: You assumed you were going to get sick and die of metal poisoning or cancer from eating a can of tainted pineapple.


July 6th: You assumed permanent blindness in one eye because of minor eye irritation.


July 8th: You assumed you had permanent throat damage from swallowing a dry potato chip years before.


July 10th: You reported excruciating shoulder pain that resulted in total arm paralysis for multiple days in a row.


July 29th: You reported that you are experiencing "involuntary organ movement" under your rib cage, not associated to any pain or previous injury.


July 29th: You expressed serious worry about cancer because of a number of x-rays you had that year and the previous year, citing the ***ushima radiation leak as justification for your concern.


Aug 4th: You reported that you had "Interior Head Syndrome" from previous excessive computer work at your place of employment.


Aug 5th: You reported that you believed you had syphilis because of a blister on your finger despite no previous risky sexual encounters.


Aug 8th: You reported that you have been suffering from "explosive" chest pain since December 2010 -> the first time you have told us about such pain. You claimed you saw a doctor, but didn't believe his diagnosis and refused to take the pain killers he recommended (Tylenol).


Aug 12th: You reported major depression and stated that you were incapable of walking.


Aug 19th: You assumed cancer was inescapable because you walked past a building with asbestos warnings.


Aug 28th: You cited a recent spine injury and claimed that you couldn't raise your arms because of knee pain (first discrepancy, because you previously stated it was caused by back pain).


Aug 30th: You assumed "weak valves" because of precum leakage.


Aug 31st: You reported permanent, itchy bumps/rash between your butt cheeks.


Sept 11th: You reported "tons of body problems" and unknown mental disability.


Sept 12th: You reported for the first time that you have the verbal (spoken) capacity of a 6 year old.


Sept 20th: You reported a massive amount of scales (dandruff-like) on your head, eyebrows, bridge of nose, head of penis.


Sept 24th: You reported that you are sexually damaged and incapable of sexual activity.


Sept 28th: You reported that you believed you had gangrene in your foreskin and that you have been suffering from penis/foreskin pain for years.


Oct 1: You felt afraid that you were going to become a victim of gang-related violence within your own home because of local-area 'gang tagging'


Oct 25th: You reported that you were diagnosed with Seborrheic dermatitis, a fancy term for dandruff. You claimed you suffered from an 'extreme case'.


Oct 30th: Another post on 'loose pipes' and precum leakage. You expressed worry that this was a sign of a problem (again... as you brought this up before).


Nov 6th: You were expressing worry that you would become homeless and asked for advice on how to prepare for being homeless.


Nov 11th: You reported that you injured yourself while using a masturbatory sex toy (fake vagina) and worried that you would have to go to a neurologist because urologists were incapable of diagnosing the injury... This contradicts your "sexually damaged" post from Sept 24th, where you indicated you were incapable of sexual activity.


Nov 17th: You reported pain in your urethra resulting in minor irritation


Dec 23rd: You reported that you are experiencing extreme dizziness and vertigo and that you have weakness in your arms and legs that are preventing you from standing up.


Dec 24th: You reported penis/testicle pain due to lack of ejaculations, citing that this has been an issue for over 10 years and your doctor prescribed frequent masturbation as a remedy for this...


Dec 27th: You reported that you are experiencing excruciating pain in your penis: that it hurts to touch or put pressure on your penis and are incapable of sex or masturbation. You claimed this is caused by a previous injury.


Dec 29th: You repeated a concern from October where you feared you were going to be a victim of gang-related violence.


So... since June you have reported:


Major spinal pain, major knee pain, major shoulder pain, major chest pain, major rib pain, major skin condition, major exposure to cancer-related substances, major weakness in limbs, upper spinal malformation, extreme shoulder pain, etc. etc.


All of these things can be boiled down to one bit of advice from us (and I speak for everyone):


No one here can help you. This is not a medical forum. This is not a forum for psychological analysis. This, like WebMD, cannot replace a sound medical or psychological diagnosis.


My advice? The "pain" you are experiencing can be attributed to severe depression. Your obsession over it amounts to nothing short of severe hypochondria. Here's my diagnosis:


1. Use body lotion.


2. Use anti-dandruff shampoo regularly. There are four different kinds of over-the-counter shampoo. Try what works and stick with it.


3. Stretch. Add yoga to your regular exercise routine. Flexibility goes a long way in resolving physical ailments and stress-related pain issues.


4. Find a massage therapist and spend the $50 once every two months for an hour long massage.


5. Get some relaxing bath salts and take a hot bath every once in a while.


6. Play relaxing music. I find Louis Armstrong works for me.


7. Have a serious discussion with a psychologist about whether or not you have clinical depression and if there is any medication you can take to aid in resolving it. Ask about homeopathic remedies as well. They tend to be less likely to cause undesired side-effects.


8. Stop seeking medical advice online. That means no more medical advice on LoveShack or WebMD or any number of other forums you frequent. This behavior will only perpetuate your stress/anxiety over what might be normal body aches and pains that everyone experiences.


9. If you are experiencing pain that results in loss of normal function, don't post it on here. Go to the emergency room.


10. Get a security system. Or a dog.

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Wow. ha ha. That's a hell of a record.


I hope no one ever summarizes my thread history like that.


Nah. 12k posts would be quite an effort to sort through :-)

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Dec 24th: You reported penis/testicle pain due to lack of ejaculations, citing that this has been an issue for over 10 years and your doctor prescribed frequent masturbation as a remedy for this...



That was me.





OP--Listen to Creighton.

He has your best interest at heart.

Have a wonderful New Year.

Both of you.

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