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Having Hard Time


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I am having a hard time trying not to contact this girl that I am in love with. We both at that point where we took things to fast and trying to go back to being friends. She is moving back Home out of state and she trying to break off our dating relationship that we had. It been a ruff week for me just thinking about the Great times we had dating it just that every thing took a turn for the worst. I just don't have any answers on what to do. Should I be in NC?

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If you chase her now, you'll only come off as desperate and begging. Agreeing with her about time apart and just letting her go is the hardest but also the best thing to do. Read the threads here where people have chased their exs and it's only ever ended with them feeling worse.


Go NC and stay there. When things end like this, often the dumpers feel in charge and like to know how the dumpee is going to act. They expect some chasing, it feeds their ego. I'm not saying that in a bad way, but we all like to feel wanted. A dumper, at the point of dumping, is sadly only thinking about themselves. They don't consider their exs feelings but often react strongly when they get the same treatment back. You can read many stories on here where a dumpee has gone NC and the dumper has made contact. Not saying that will always happen, but NC is much better than losing all self respect and chasing after someone.

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You have nothing to lose going NC. It helps with the grieving/moving on process and you'll maintain your self-worth. The sooner you start the sooner you can begin that process.

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