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PLEASE! help me get her back!!!

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Its been a little less then a year since i cheated on my girlfriend. We had dated for 3 years and i was absolutely in love with her.(we were high school sweet hearts) At one point during our relationship she broke up with me but we got back together. This was the summer before i moved to a college 2 hours away. This break-up raised some serious questions in my mind about if we would stay together and if i wanted to meet new people at college. So still kind of bitter about the breakup and all i got really drunk and slept with another girl. It was a very stupied mistake and i regreted it immediately. Well i tried lying for awhile but eventually i told her the truth.


We tried to work things out for awhile but soon she wanted to "see other people" I didnt want to but since she wanted to i agreed to it. I went on a few dates but never found anything and i couldnt stop thinking about my ex anyway. She unfortunately did find someone and began dating him while still "being friends with me" I thought hopefully it will just be a rebound and soon she'll come back to me so i'l just wait.


Its been about 5 months of waiting and now she's going to go to college with this guy in 2 months. We stayed good friends and she tells me that she doesnt even like her new guy at all, he's very un-emotional and boring. She's gonna try and meet someone new when she goes to college.


Just 2 nights ago we were at a party drinking and we had a "heart to heart" she told me stuff she had never said before about how she never wants to love again after how badly my love hurt her before. How she hates love and how the new guy and college, well she wants him to have money, thats about it. I know this really isnt this girl, shes a funny/smart/great girl. I think that if i can get her to give me another chance we would work out beutifully. But how can i get my second chance with her? How can i get her to say she loves me again?

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look,i'm in a similiar situation dude...i love my ex..i did somethings behind her back and now we have been broken up for three months...i only see myself with her for the rest of my life.This is stuff......you have to think...how good is your friendship? Could she handle you telling her that you love her? Or would it make this situation worst?

You have to evaluate alot of stuff.You really hurt her though.....i'm being honest,but you were a man about the situation and told her...you could present that too her.Even though you did wrong...you told her.......

look at it like this you have 2 months...eight weeks........to get your lady back!!!!!!!!!Do what you have to do.

Good luck

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Okay your girlfriend is really bitter about what you did to her -- there's no doubt about that. She's not feeling the guy that she's going to college with. She rambles on about how she doesn't wanna fall in love again and all she wants is that this guy to have money. But of course you know that this is not true. Everybody deserves a second chance. (I mean this to a certain extent.) You cheated on her and she may never look at you the same. Even if she takes you back. Because in the back of her mind she is always gonna be thinking that you might be cheating on her. (i.e You say your gonna go hang out with some friends. She's gonna be wondering what you doing and BAM she's thinking your cheating on her.) What you have to do is convince her that it will never happen again. I mean your gonna have to really covince her. If she does by chance take you back, i would spend most of my time with her. The goal is to make her stop feeling insecure about herself. Good luck man cause your gonna need it.

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