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Cheating ex-gf keeps calling...


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Hi all,

Will very appreciate your thoughts on this one:


About 1.5 years ago, I was cheated on, treated like a piece of sh*t and dumped by a girl that swore to me that I was the best thing that happened in her life...

She got pregnant and had the baby half year ago. I didn't see her since then, but she was constantly occasionally (every 4-6 weeks or so) calling me.

I never answered, but eventually I answered once - we "small talked" about nothing for 10 minutes and then she disappeared for several weeks.

Recently her sister started to call me. I answered the first time ( I din't know by the number who was it ) - she told me that just wanted to check how I was doing.

I could hear my ex in the background - but she didn't talk with me...When I realized who was it - I also politely said that I can not talk right now. So we kept it very short.

Today (31-Dec) her sister called again - this time she was "filtered"....I am not sure if there is even a question here, but I try to understand why they keep calling me.


Back then I loved her with all my heart, but now after what she did to me and how she acted after that - I don't want to do anything with her...

I don't hate her, I just feel pity for her. Her life is f*cked. I completely over her, already dated with others and want to forget her like a bad dream...

Yes, to be honest, I would like to hear a genuine apology from her, to have some closure, but I know I will never hear it anyway, so had to do the closure by myself.


I am 100% sure that her sister calling me under my ex guidance. What for ? She knows there is nothing we can do now, there is zero chance for us to be together, so why she is calling ?

What does she want to hear from me ? I suppose if it was something very important to say from her side she could write me a msg. or an email - it would be much easier from her side.


Although I am completely over her, every such call - takes me out of a balance for some period of time (no more than few hours)...


Thanks for reading this.

any thoughts / advises more than welcome

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Hi. Sorry you are going through that. I am going through something similar. I would try blocking the call or changing your number if you can.

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Long and the short of it. You dodged a bullet. I'm penning an update to a similar issues that I decided to walk away from almost 2 years to the day. The girl lied, cheated not to mentioned abused me and I chose to no longer accept 2nd rate treatment.


If you don't want the contact say so. I'm not really seeing that there, so it's as if your still keeping the door ajar even if you do say your over her. If she has to get someone else to call you, then it's simply a case of her showing the same disrespect she showed you when she ran around behind your back and isn't willing to step up to the plate herself.


You've got better things to do with your time than be treated like this. Like I said if you don't want the contact say so to her sister, and make it clear it's unfair to have her be the go between in something that really she shouldn't need to be in. Your sure as heck not going to get closure through the sister who's simply playing the part of scout.

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