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I've concluded that I'm afraid to move on...


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I've been on a roller coaster for what seems like forever. Ill go into phases where i feel amazing and then there will be times where i regress in my healing process and start missing my ex. But i think that today i realized that i am just afraid to move on. She was with a guy immediately after our breakup it seemed. The thing that really prevents me from healing too is that i have such a strong gut feeling that that relationship is doomed in more ways than one. Im attached to her and i still miss her and its almost as if im waiting for her...


I know that waiting is the absolute worst thing i can do. But im afraid to move on. Im afraid that as soon as i get into my next relationship that it will just be a rebound and ill end up hurting someone. Or that my ex will then realize that she misses me and wants me back and that ill still have feelings for her then and then be torn between two people. Im afraid.


LS i need advice. Big time. Im preventing myself from moving on it seems. I need help on moving on and forgetting my ex to help me heal. Im stuck in the low part of the roller coaster phase right now. I need to get back to the top and stay there.

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Yeah, I know how you feel. Sometimes its like, 'hey this isn't so bad'. Other times its like, 'uuuggghhhhh'.


But why attach an expectation to yourself?


All you have to do is live day by day with YOU on the forefront of your mind. Why worry about getting into other relationships or waiting for her? Just live, go with the flow...


If you are healed completely and she comes back to you, you'll be in the best mind set you can be in and will be able to determine what the best decision for you will be at that time.


Give yourself as long as it takes before jumping in another relationship... It's not a race.


Stop expecting and just act on what excites you right now. Accept that what happens is what needs to happen for you to grow. If she wants you, she will hunt you down. In the meantime, you can heal and become more of yourself.


^Things I tell myself.

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