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i need some help


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well I have been dating the same guy for five months. We get along really good, and we have a lot of chemistry with each other. The problem is that sometimes when I see him he acts distant, but another day I can completely tell that he loves me. I am not sure how to act around him, or if I should say something to him about it. I really do care about him a lot, and possibly love him. But I get hurt when he acts distant towards me. Any advice that someone can give me would be appreciated.





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People have moods. Some people have very pronounced and noticeable moods. When he seems stressed, he's probably got his mind on something like debts, paperwork, things he has to get done, other personal matters, etc. There are a lot of people who just drag crap around in their mind with them all day long.


Have a talk with him. Describe this to him and let him know how it makes you feel. Ask him if there is a particular reason for this. Maybe he doesn't even realize he's being that way or that this affects you the way it does.


Talk it over, get to the bottom of it, then live with it.

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Dump him and go back out with your ex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well I have been dating the same guy for five months. We get along really good, and we have a lot of chemistry with each other. The problem is that sometimes when I see him he acts distant, but another day I can completely tell that he loves me. I am not sure how to act around him, or if I should say something to him about it. I really do care about him a lot, and possibly love him. But I get hurt when he acts distant towards me. Any advice that someone can give me would be appreciated. thanks, kim
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The downfall of most relationships is the lack of EFFECTIVE communnication. It's not how much you talk, but if the other person understands what you mean by what you say. Some of that comes in non verbal cues. Explain to him exactly how you feel, and ask him to be open and honest with you. Sometimes it takes people a while to come around to a style of communication that suits the relationship. And that cannot be forced. Tell him how you feel, ask him to do the same. And give him UNINTERRUPTED time to talk.


Good luck,



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