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The Dreaded FB Request


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Its been quite sometime since I've been on here. But to make a long story short, my ex broke up with me 3 years ago which left me in to shattered pieces. It took me almost 2 years to pick myself back up again. We havent spoken in over 2 and a half years. But tonight as I was checking my FB and to my surprise I get a friend request from my ex. I havent seen a picture of her in such a long time as I deleted every single memory of her when we broke up. Looking at her profile brought a rush of emotions and memories that I thought I had long forgotten. She looked so radiant and beautiful as I remembered her 3 years ago.


And thinking about it now, I thought I was 110% over her but those feelings came rushing back. Right now I don't know what to do because I still have so much unanswered questions I want to ask her. But im afraid of what the answers would be because I don't want to have to go through that horrible feeling I felt years ago. Should I just delete her request and not look back or take a chance? I'm just so torn and confused on what I should do. I was doing so great till tonight after receiving that request and seeing her picture. It caught me off guard.


I'd like to here some feedback from you guys and gals. I would very much appreciate it.

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Let it sit for a while and ask yourself those same questions. How about giving us your current perspective on your breakup etc. and why you think you still have these feelings.


Don't look back at your old posts...yet. We will compare and contrast and help you come to a perspective that is healthy for you. The friend request is unimportant for now. Focus on you!

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If you still have those feelings be careful, she may just be curious to see what youre up to etc, I know I have fb requested ex boyfriends from yrs ago when I have no feelings at all for them, just want to see what theyre doing etc. Yes it could be that she wants to reach out to you, but if I was her and was doing that i would have emailed too. I think as you were so badly hurt by her and got no answers and this fb request and seeing her pic has brought a flood of feelings just ask yourself what are you hoping to get out of accepting this and what will happen if you see pictures of her with a bf, looking happy and beautiful. Please be careful of your heart.

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If it brings you pain then ignore it until you can truly go into it fresh.



^ This


It's obviously upsetting you, so don't let her back into your life.


If she's connecting because she actually has something to say, she can still message you.


Until she does that it isn't a life or death situation so simply decline the friend request.


It doesn't make you a bad person not to want to be in her life anymore.

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