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From a guys perspective, men have a far more difficult time getting over their ex. I think women have a far stronger support structure and tend to listen to the advice of family and friends; thus, when they hear enough times "that he's a jerk" and have their feelings validated by those outside the relationship, they tend to run with it.


Hi there,


I needed to open a new thread as I cannot reply to the above post as it is more than 2 months old.


I just wanted to say I totally disagree with this.


IMO men are those who have a buddies network who supports them by telling him what a b...h she is/was.


About women allegedly tended to listen to the advice of family and friends more than men, I again disagree with it: imo it all depends by ones character/the relationship with your family/friends and not by ones gender.


About the time needed to get over an ex again there are so many factors to be taken into consideration that reducing it to the gender is very limiting...impossible to make statistics out of this.


The rest of the articles is very educative...just my 2 cents on this sentence.



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I agree that it really depends on the specific person, gender doesn't play such a huge role. ...however, I too have noticed that females tend to have bigger support structures. In general, a lot of women I know work really hard to keep in contact with friends and family, much more than men. But that's just my personal experience.

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