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Hesitating on Divorce papers..


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First off, I apologize if this belongs in the divorce section. I just wasnt sure.. haha. Secondly, Thanks for taking your time to read through this.


Well, to make the story short.. We dated for 5.5yrs, been married for 1.5yrs. Most of our relationship was Long Distance because of school and the military. Also, we are both 22 right now so yes we were high school sweet hearts.


Like all relationships we went through all of the phases and bumps.. But it worsen as our relationship continued because of the distance and my inability to be there when she needed me due to the military.. I tried my best to keep her happy but I guess I was doing all the wrong thing.. Then deployment came around.. We were good for the first 3-4months then I noticed her slowly drifting away.. changed her password on everything and rarely talked to me. So turns out she cheated on me.


When I got back, we tried working it out but it felt like we were just putting on an act and pretending like everything was ok again.. What she did was still haunting me and she told me that she isnt working it out because she wants to.. Shes doing it out of sympathy and because it was the right thing to do. So I told her not to.


So, I went NC from Nov to Dec and we only talk a few times and it was pretty short and to the point.. Mostly about paperwork and belongings.. She came to visit me a few times using the excuse that she was dropping some stuff off and i did as well.. I told her that I will be filing paperwork come January but now that the time has came Im hesitant to do it..


She still text me that she loves me and misses me almost everyday.. I try my best to keep myself occupied but find myself waking up missing her sometimes.. But I've noticed that this 2month separation has changed her.. She used to club 2 times a week and was always drinking and very very angry.. I recently spoke to her and she seemed very mature and havent went to the club and stopped drinking uncontrollably.. Thats what really made me think twice..


I have also been with other women but find myself using them as rebounds because I'm doing things that I'd normally do for my W. The sex was really weird, I was really hesitant and didnt really have the drive for it.. And I'm a guy.. I'm supposed to be some perverted, hounddog that hopes on anything that moves.. lol.. dam I NEED HELP...

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Just read through some of Cali-Guys threads and wow. I can pretty much relate to him with a few exceptions. I think I will just follow his guides. Thanks all. /thread. :D

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