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Just a thought


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Wow! I was just reviewing some of the previous posts here, and I was just overwhelmed by the insight that some of us post here. Specifically, I'm referring to Tony's post below to "cheating my heart":


"You cheat because you are terrified of a long-term relationship with one person."...


"The fear of intimacy is rooted in your childhood. There are most likely issues with your parents or others who may have abandoned you emotionally or physically and caused you great pain. You could not control these issues as a child. As an adult, your greatest fear is enduring that hurt once again. You empower yourself with the control to end your current relationship by your sexual escapades. If he leaves you...the pain will not be so great because you are the one who set out to sabotage things."


WOW! Heavy duty stuff.


Gotta go...more on this later!

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