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Tough Week!


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If you genuinely never hear from your ex again, is it safe to say they never truly loved you?


I haven't been coping well this past week or so, it's been two months since the split, we've both been NC for a month and a half. I deleted him off FB two weeks post BU since I'd just be on his profile torturing myself otherwise.


I'm hurt that he seems to have moved on so effortlessly after a year with me, we were always happy together, like best-friends as well as lovers, up until about two weeks before the split which resulted after a massive argument.


I've been questioning everything, wondering if his feelings for me were real in the end since I'm finding it so hard to move on - though I've been trying! Been going out with friends, working a lot and learning to laugh again.


It kills me to think he never truly loved me and leaving me has made him realise this :(

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Hey I know you are hurt right now and your emotions are all over the place, but try not to assume the worst. It just beats you down even more. Maybe he is respecting your space so you can heal and maybe he needs to do some healing of his own. Sometimes things really aren't as bad as we make them out to be ya know? I do not think he would have spent a year with you if he didn't love you. If you guys had a great relationship like you said you guys did, then I am sure it is going to hit him sometimes down the road, if it isn't already hitting him right now. Right now, you need to focus on yourself and your healing. I know we always want to know how the dumper feels, but you shouldn't concern yourself with it right now.

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Thank you guys for taking the time to respond to my thread, it means a lot and your kind words of advice are what I needed :)


I guess it is easy to think the worst when you're feeling down since expecting the worst means you won't be disappointed/hurt even more. I obviously still love him but I guess the thing that's hurting me right now is that we are acting like strangers when we see each other out (it's a small town and everyone ventures to the same clubs). It hurts because we were so, so close! Best-friends, like I said before, I probably knew him better than anyone and now I feel like I never knew him at all. I guess many people can relate to this after a break-up?


It sucks being completely shut out of someone's life, neither of us did anything wrong (nobody cheated/lied etc) we'd just butt heads over little silly things every so often over the last couple weeks. Up until the end of October we'd literally not argued once since May so it was all happy and plain-sailing for five (almost six) months. He's in the army and I guess that added the pressure onto our relationship.


It sucks, I miss him and I hate the thought of him not giving a damn about me anymore.

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It may be that way for awhile since the split is relatively fresh ya know? Give it time and who knows? Maybe you guys will cross paths again. I am not trying to give you false hope and stuff, but if you guys didn't end on terrible terms, then I believe there is a chance you could hear from him in the future. Just try to focus on you right now, like I said. Your healing is top priority, plus it won't be long before you do actually start to feel better :) Stay strong and try to be positive. I know many negative thoughts are going through your mind, but believe me, being positive is one of the best things you can do for yourself right now

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