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About to break NC all over again...


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So after I broke NC, I havent been able to stop thinking about her. It's been about a week now since our last contact, but i still think of her every single morning and every single night. She is getting ready to start at a new university this year, which means that she will be moving away. Is this a good thing? All i can think about now is how much fun she will be having all the time, with all her new friends, and how she wont even ever think about me again. I am alone in my apartment after she left me 3 months ago. All i want to do is text her again. I miss her like crazy and wish things could get back to the way they were. I want to be able to convince her that there would be no more fights, that i could just take it all and nothing would be wrong again. I blame myself for the breakup and all i want to do is get back with her. I know that will never happen though. I guess it just comes down to "i want what i can't have." What should i do? Do i contact her? Do i let her go on with her life? How can i stop thinking about her?

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It's the only way you will heal IMO


You will stop thinking about her with time. You need to start thinking about yourself. What you want from life (not your ex back) because if she was the love of your life she wouldn't have left you after a few bumps in the road. Heal, get yourself back together and you'll start enjoying life again

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definitely think about yourself and please stop thinking about her, there are so many great girls in the world who wouldn't just up and leave you like that and make you happy after all.


What are your plans for the future anyway?

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