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Taking A Step Back?


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Crap.. For a week or so now I felt i've been moving forward from my break up and my first love. I actually had a one night fling thrusday (something I never done before) and I've been NC for 2½ weeks now.


Last night / today I've suddenly felt a miss my ex soo much and I can't get over her. Started to play over again in my head why didn't I do that and that back then. I feel so lonely and like I can't be without my ex anymore. I'm even tempted to break NC eventho I know that won't bring her back. I just wanna hear her voice. I miss her companionship and her is general. What should I do? Is this normal to take steps back into this dark place again? What am I doing wrong?

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You've not found peace with the situation nor within yourself. Find that and your feelings will fade.

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You've not found peace with the situation nor within yourself. Find that and your feelings will fade.


You mean find myself and my confidence? I'm having a hard time trying to be alone at home. People have said I need to be able to be happy alone before I can be happy with anyone else. I'm living alone for the first time in my life and i'm 29. I know many will say I need to hang around friends more but that's not a option right now because I only have 3-5 friends to hang around with and there always busy with there own stuff it seems unless it's friday or saturday when they get wasted


Thanks again for the response always energize me ;)

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I have few friends, and I see them rarely. My happiness comes from within as I am peaceful inside.

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