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Healing one step at a time..


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I feel like i have been posting alot lately but my emotions have been running wild. I took the advice of a few posters and have deactivated my facebook account. I must say i already feel ten times better. Lately though i have been getting urges to just cry which i do. But i feel like that makes me weak. I dont know i know im not wonder woman but i wish i just could get over it already. I am way better off than i was weeks ago but i still get that sting from time to time. Then i just remind myself if someone can up and leave without even telling me they dont deserve me. No one deserves to be emotionally abused then put on this huge emotional rollercoaster only to be abandoned. I know i will become stronger from this and i thank those on this forum who have given advice. We all deserve better, we all deserve to be treated with respect. I believe it is only up frOm here :)

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We'll hang on! I too are a lot better than I was couple weeks ago even and it's been 4 months since the break up. She tangled me along with the hope of coming back for 4 months. Because how weak I was I tangled along and it just me feel even worse and eventually I lost her because I was so weak I guess. But if a person won't stand by you threw your hard times there not worth you. One day we will be happy again!

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solong I still cry sometimes and it has been almost 4 months since the BU. It's all normal and the fact that you feel better now than you did a month ago tells you how far you have come and how much better you will feel a month from now!


Stay strong!

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I am a guy and I would cry 8+ months into the break up. I had to appear like a weak, broken fool. But depending on how deep your love for the other person was I believe will determine how long it takes to accept and move forward.


I was better off 4 months into my break up since denial was happening. Once acceptance began I truly fell apart. Then anger occured for a solid 4 months that is when I was worst emotional and anger at everyone including myself. Then I began to have some small victories in my career and personal life, once this started happening my moving on began to gain steam.


P.S.- three huge things to stay away from are drugs, booze, and a rebound. I did two of the three & no amount of booze or strange women made me feel better.

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