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how should i go about this


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I was wondering if ya'll could help me.... anyways i really like this girl, and i want to ask her to homecoming, but the problem i have this fear of rejection i guess so its tough for me to muster enough guts and ask her. i found out that she is available, but she was trying to find a date - so i am thinking maybe this is my chance, but i guess she mentioned going with one of my friends so i doubt it even more that she would consider yes. what do ya'll think i should do? i doubt it would be appropriate to ask her on-line cause i occasionally talk to her when she is on.....

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When you see her online, let her know you need to talk to her briefly and ask for her phone number. Call her and ask her out. Don't worry abou the rejection.


If you go through your life fearing rejection, you will deny yourself some great dates, some great friends, some great lovers and hundreds of wonderful experiences. Yes, you will get turned down now and then. But with your attitude of fear, anticipation of rejection and low self-confidence, you make the possibility of rejection even higher.


In your case, sometimes girls already have an idea of who they want to go to homecoming, proms, etc. with and they will put the word out in their own way. If she has a strong feeling of who she wants to be with, a rejection will be meaningless anyway. If that's the case, wait a few weeks and ask her to some other school dance or function.


Be confident, put your chin up high, and if you get turned down it's their loss.


Talk to this girl soon before she finds another guy to take her to homecoming!!!

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Wouldn't it be a greater pain than rejection to find out after the prom that she really wanted to go with you- but didn't get to because you were too afraid to ask her?


What do you have to lose? And what do you have to gain??


If she says no- it won't be the end of the world- but if she says YES- think of the possibilities!!


Make it practically impossible for her to refuse. Come up with a way of asking her that she will never forget! Girls love that stuff (grown women do too- just a hint for future reference)


If she says no after you have gone to all the trouble of making it a special event- think of all the other girls that will recognize your sensitive side- they'll be all over you!


Good Luck- let us know how it turns out!!



When you see her online, let her know you need to talk to her briefly and ask for her phone number. Call her and ask her out. Don't worry abou the rejection. If you go through your life fearing rejection, you will deny yourself some great dates, some great friends, some great lovers and hundreds of wonderful experiences. Yes, you will get turned down now and then. But with your attitude of fear, anticipation of rejection and low self-confidence, you make the possibility of rejection even higher.


In your case, sometimes girls already have an idea of who they want to go to homecoming, proms, etc. with and they will put the word out in their own way. If she has a strong feeling of who she wants to be with, a rejection will be meaningless anyway. If that's the case, wait a few weeks and ask her to some other school dance or function. Be confident, put your chin up high, and if you get turned down it's their loss. Talk to this girl soon before she finds another guy to take her to homecoming!!!

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well when i was talking to her, i couldnt really get an impression on what to do. i asked if she was all set fot the upcoming dance, and she said she didnt have a date, but quickly said she needed sleep and had to go to bed, then i said alright g''nite, then she said sorry, nite.... so what was this? she blowing me off or something??

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Yeah, she was blowing you off for sure. There are some girls that are really shy and who might act that way...but if she wanted to go with you, she would have jumped at it.


Go find the best looking chick you can find in the school and ask her to homecoming. Be sure this gal sees you with her. Frankly, I think she took the cheap way out.


You should also know that girls in high school often jerk guys around and put them off hoping that someone specific asks them out...or, worse jet, jockeying to see what deal will be best for them by the night of the event.


Make it mutual and blow her off too...she's not worth it...and don't ever call her again!!!

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