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Am I asking too much?

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Yesterday my very close work friend told me she is planning on getting married July 2013, in either Las Vegas or Hawaii and she would like my boyfriend and I to be part of the small group of people she wants there for her special day.


I am ecstatic at the idea - I believe life is about living and prefer a hedonistic lifestyle, but I wonder if I am asking too much of my boyfriend?


My friend is very well off and she and her family are paying for all their guests’ accommodation and group activities (I’m assuming tours, sightseeing etc) for 5 days so we’d only have to worry about flights and spending money. She has given us a year and a half to save up which I think is plenty of time.


My boyfriend and I have a lot of money saved between us. It is to buy a home someday, but I personally am in NO rush to do this. I am happy to continue renting and just grateful that I am fortunate enough to have a roof over my head. He is in much more of a rush because of his age (me 29, him 46).


What do you think?

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I think if you bring this up there needs to be some tradeoff. I would bring it up suggesting ways to cut back now to not mess up the plans of the house purchase. Come ahead with a plan and you are more likely to get the result you desire.

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