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Shoud I abandon hope for this one chick?


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There is this one girl who was in my highschool. She is in college now and play sports. I have no interest in sports. She is HOT, and I'm not exactly football hero stud. We have spoken in school before, and I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. Am I better off staying away from her because I don't love sports like she does? Is it pointless to even have an occaisonal chat over the internet with her?


Also...she is always just "dating" different guys, sometimes more than 1 at once, however, she never holds a relationship for a long period of time. She is VERY hot, so what's the problem?

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There is no problem. She is not ruled by the masses, she decides exactly how she is going to live her life and she does it. Give her a big kiss for me.


I think it would be great for you to get together with her. Part of the dating process is expanding our horizons and becoming exposed to varied life experiences. So you don't like sports. Maybe going out with her a time or two could expose you to just enough excitement for you to get into one or two sports you are not now interested in.


It is never pointless to have a chat with anybody. It is only kind to be friendly. Learn some things from her. Keep your chats centered around her and her life. See what makes her tick. Learn from her. She'll be flattered you are so interested in her, yet you'll be learning something. Learn all you can. Find out how she got so interested in sports and which ones she really likes. Ask her if she is really attracted to the jocks and why. Get into her head, but don't let her know you're doing it.


She is a hot chick because she knows what she wants, she likes learning different things by going out with different guys, she doesn't settle for some guy just because she's gone out with him, she seems to enjoy talking to everybody equally, you enjoy conversations with her, she is now in college and learning to improve herself...it sounds like she is one hell of a woman.


You won't meet too many just like her. Take advantage of the opportunity and consider yourself a very lucky guy to meet a woman who is her own person.

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Yesterday I wrote something about compatibility- and that being compatible doesn't mean being an exact clone of someone else. It means being able to accomodate someone else's likes and dislikes. Sometimes- this is done to the point that you learn something about YOURSELF as well as the other person.


Never dismiss the possibility that you can be a success- at anything! If you see it, like it, want it,- then by all means- GOT FOR IT!!


Think of all the things you could learn from her. Think of all the things she could teach you!


Warning; because she seems to enjoy a large and diverse group of friends (dates) -don't get too emotionally involved with her. At least not at first- you could be looking for love- when all she is looking for is a cool friend- and to broaden her horizons.


Good Luck!! Jenna


There is no problem. She is not ruled by the masses, she decides exactly how she is going to live her life and she does it. Give her a big kiss for me. I think it would be great for you to get together with her. Part of the dating process is expanding our horizons and becoming exposed to varied life experiences. So you don't like sports. Maybe going out with her a time or two could expose you to just enough excitement for you to get into one or two sports you are not now interested in. It is never pointless to have a chat with anybody. It is only kind to be friendly. Learn some things from her. Keep your chats centered around her and her life. See what makes her tick. Learn from her. She'll be flattered you are so interested in her, yet you'll be learning something. Learn all you can. Find out how she got so interested in sports and which ones she really likes. Ask her if she is really attracted to the jocks and why. Get into her head, but don't let her know you're doing it. She is a hot chick because she knows what she wants, she likes learning different things by going out with different guys, she doesn't settle for some guy just because she's gone out with him, she seems to enjoy talking to everybody equally, you enjoy conversations with her, she is now in college and learning to improve herself...it sounds like she is one hell of a woman. You won't meet too many just like her. Take advantage of the opportunity and consider yourself a very lucky guy to meet a woman who is her own person.
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