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smokey bear

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Hi id like to start a thread.



It may not be a happy thread but i think its worth it



I read something similar somewhere else and wanted to give it a go.



This thread will bring sadness but after reading it i think you will get the point of it, so why not give it a go.




Id like you all to post what you regret in life if you have regrets.






This is not an ex post, its about coping and getting you back, again








Ill start it off....



I regret not being close to my parents, i can be hard on them sometimes and forget they just want what is best for me. If they went tomorrow i would deeply regret it.



I regret not saving any money this year, i have earned a lot with not much to show for it.

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I regret spending to much time worrying about a future that doesn't exist and not being present for what's right here, right now.

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I regret allowing myself to change so much from the positive person that I was. I regret bending so much and allowing myself to change the core of who I am for someone else. I regret losing so much time with my family and allowing myself to be too worried about the jealous rages that would come after I would visit them. I regret losing myself.


Though these pertain to my previous relationship, I do not blame my ex for anything. I had a choice in everything and those are choices that I would never allow myself to make again.

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I have regrets but I am a strong believer in something called the butterfly effect. Not to the point that I think insignificant choices; what I had for lunch for instance, make a difference, But I am also aware of how every ones significant choices do effect others. So yes, there are a lot of things I would change if I would still learn what I did from those mistakes & the new rout taken wasn't even worse, :laugh:

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I regret that I've never taken time out to travel extensively, to really see the world. I've been a few places, but never away from home for more than two weeks or so. It's not the same experience, I think.

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This is not an ex issue or anything about a specific relationship, but I regret how much effort I've put into relationships period, while ignoring personal goals that I've wanted for myself for so long. I realize I've taken an emotional shortcut for years, as long as someone loved me and spent time with me, it was easier to ignore the fact that I was letting my relationship with myself slip ever further. Now I've got to make up for lost time and I think a big part of that is going to be resisting my urge to want to start dating again. I want to be happy with me first, and that's what I've been running from all along, because it's not an easy thing for me to do. Lots of self confidence issues to finally address. It was so much easier to put a bandaid over that if I had a pretty girl who thought I was interesting. Now I have to like myself.

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I regret that I've never taken time out to travel extensively, to really see the world. I've been a few places, but never away from home for more than two weeks or so. It's not the same experience, I think.


To REALLYget to know an area, to get the "full flavor", takes well over a year, more like 2, so 2 weeks is a good vacation, as much as most get. :)

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This is not an ex issue or anything about a specific relationship, but I regret how much effort I've put into relationships period, while ignoring personal goals that I've wanted for myself for so long. I realize I've taken an emotional shortcut for years, as long as someone loved me and spent time with me, it was easier to ignore the fact that I was letting my relationship with myself slip ever further. Now I've got to make up for lost time and I think a big part of that is going to be resisting my urge to want to start dating again. I want to be happy with me first, and that's what I've been running from all along, because it's not an easy thing for me to do. Lots of self confidence issues to finally address. It was so much easier to put a bandaid over that if I had a pretty girl who thought I was interesting. Now I have to like myself.



I could second this, over the past 6 months i have finally found myself again and became happy alone, i was the same before my last relationship, so regret losing myself in relationships too and will try harder not to in the future

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I regret not getting to know myself better until now. I regret not sticking up for my brother when people picked on him because I was too scared. I regret taking all these years to get myself together. I regret not finding out more about my roots when my dad was alive.

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Nikki Sahagin

I regret not seeking help for my anxiety and depression when it first showed signs of appearing, at the age of 12/13.


Although I'm only 22 now, I worry that the problems are already deeply engrained and habitual. If only I had sought help then maybe I could have escaped it.


Then again when you're that young, everyone tells you that you'll grow out of it and that it's normal hormonal changes. I wish I could have seen that I didn't grow out of it and the normal changes became constant for me.

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I regret not taking care of myself at all

Are you taking care of yourself now?


I regret not seeking help for my anxiety and depression when it first showed signs of appearing, at the age of 12/13.

and are you getting help now?

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I regret spending too much time regretting things I now can't change.

The secret is to mark, inwardly digest, learn - and not repeat mistakes...


Write those in sand....


I could be dead tonight...

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