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Praying for April Showers


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Granted, I've been down the past week thinking a lot about my ex after he tried to start a FWB situation with me, but this morning it dawned on me that's not the only reason I've been feeling down....tis' the season.


I woke up this morning to the first big snowfall here in Ontario. I got into my car to come to work just like any other day when suddenly I was overwhelmed with emotion. The air smells today like it did that February morning one year ago when I knew I'd most likely never be with him ever again. The snow on the ground reminded me of the days leading up to and following the break-up and before I knew it, the last month of our relationship was playing over again in my head as the tears rolled down my face. I remember feeling so lonely and unloved laying beside him hoping that he may reach over to touch me, but he never did. I remember the pain I felt knowing I had to walk away because his actions spoke far louder than his words ever could. I wanted him to love me so badly and tried my best. I hate remembering that I wasn't good enough. I hate remembering I failed :(


I'm praying for an early Spring. Does anyone else out there feel down around the time their break-up happened?

Edited by Hopeless_1116
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Of course you will be reminded if your heart has not healed. Before I was healed everything reminded me of her and the end of things. At this point I have no negative feelings and even crack a smile when I think of some of the good times.


Don't avoid the feelings or let them linger, just allow them to pass through.

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I can emphatically relate! Winter blues is well documented as it is. Mixing it with the depression of a breakup and you've got a real horrible thing there.


On the plus side, we had the darkest day of the season back in December, so from now on it's going to get a little bit lighter with each day!


The small things can usually be the most poignant in reminding us, can't they? At least you're letting your emotions overwhelm you. Let them out, don't be afraid to cry again. It's better than bottling them up.


I too welcome Spring. I know it will be somewhat hard when it happens because my ex and I fell for each other in the Spring, a few months before we got together. No matter how much progress I make (and I'm making a lot of it) I will hit April time and for a while feel a little heartbroken again. But I know I'll get over it quickly.


Just hang in there. These cold, dark days are moving away. Emotionally and literally. :)

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Everything reminded me, too. It goes away with time though. Even if you're not yet healed, the reminders will stop. You won't feel anything after a while when you see or smell a reminder. The best way to cope with them is to actually face them and think about them - they become less scary then.

Edited by RecordProducer
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