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One more small thing wrapped up- now it's all over!


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Well, just thought I’d share this with you all.


I’ve finally had the last chord cut with her.


Shortly before we broke up, she took some photos for my family at a big event. She’s a student photographer and I recommended her, even though she was nervous!




When we broke up I knew eventually I would have to break NC and contact her to get the photos as my family wanted them. I posted a thread here back in December asking how I could best do this. In the end I sent her an email asking if she could give them to her brother- my close friend- when she was back home for Christmas.


She never responded and I started to get anxious that I would have to contact her directly or worse, see her in person to get the photos.

However, out of the blue she came back for Christmas and I gently asking my friend to get them off her. Turns out she hadn’t forgot and had them ready on disc for me, which she left at his home.



She left to go back to college this past weekend.


Last night, I was over my friends and picked the disc up, which I’ll now pass on to my family.



So in the end, I got what I needed with minimal amount of interaction with her.




I’m so relieved that I can finally say every last chord has now been cut.


I did tell her mum to pass on my thanks for getting me the disc without any protest.




I’m not going to look at it myself. I know there’s a lot of pictures of us on there as we were all dressed up and looking real cute together. That would just upset me.


Still, the saga has finally come to an end. I can now stop worrying. Great feeling:)

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