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Are women genetically narcissistic?

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I mean, think about it, you have decent people out there, but how can one go out when others 'outside the friends circle' say really horrible things, constanly heckle you, over your appearance? Ignore them? They approach you!


And yes, people online are generally uncaring... They basically say "So what? Deal with it!"


As an adult, I have never, nor has anyone I know, appraoched someone to "heckle" them over their looks. I've never seen it done by anyone else. (I'm excluding elementary and high school, of course. In high school, there are always that few who do so because they are insecure themselves...but even there, it's only a few people causing the problems.)


So, the generalizations you describe here seemed to be specific to YOU, rather than something that happens on a general basis. You certainly project and attract negativity by the truckloads.


I've never even seen you and I already find you incredibly unattractive. So, there. I'm a woman, and I just proved your point. I'm genetically narcissistic, mean, and sarcastic because I don't like someone to tell me, or even imply, that I'm an awful person just because I'm a woman.



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I'm not looking for a date, and I just don't know how many times I have to drill this through people's thick ****ing heads... That's one more thing I forgot to mention, now I constanly remind people that this has got absolutely nothing to do with dating, I make this clear, loud and clear, even the disabled in the real world would understand, and yet lots of people still post stuff related to dating....


Lots of them type with amazing grammar, supposed to be a sign of intelligence, so I am just wondering why I have to repeat that a lot to people online...


Eh, so you join a forum that focuses mostly on romantic relationships, yet you aren't interested in dating?


You make all these posts about how ugly and unattractive you are, but you aren't interested in dating?


You create this ignorant assumption about women being narcissistic, but you aren't interested in dating?


It seems more like that you're creating excuses to cushion realitys hit on your ego. Why would you do all this if you weren't interested in dating?


This thread in itself is a great example how you "get what you put in" so to speak. I'm not gonna lie, a lot of dating relies on looks, simply because people want someone they are attracted to. From your attitude displayed in this thread, even if you looked like Leo Decaprio, you'd probably still fail to attract women.


Ironic that the person who's calling everyone else narcissistic, has the most narcissistic behaviour. Hmm :rolleyes:

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It has a lot to do with dating actually, I'm heckled a lot because I'm not "reproductive material"


No I'm not narcissistic, I'm not the one that heckles people in the real world over their appearance, but then proceeds to argue that a Sumo's 800 pounds of blubber is muscle


Also, in fact, I would never be near a computer if I wasn't heckled a lot


And I'm not not the one the goes online and pretends certain things don't happen and accuse people of lying, and that's probably because people's Celebrity Worship Syndrome tends to show (or be exposed) more online (I have a feeling this has something to do with it)


I apologize for not thinking highly of humans in genenal. It's just that it takes an unattractive and unpopular person to see most people's darker side, and it's never very caring


Edit: And again, I'm not looking for a date. And sorry for the obvious grammar errors, dust under the keyboard. And why is this forum so slow...

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I'm just saying that humans in general are narcissistic and that women, way more often than not, are more narcissistic than males. To state otherwise is like saying women have the penis and the men have the viginas


I'm just saying that a lot of men behave badly to get 'in' with the women


that I'm an awful person just because I'm a woman
And this comes as a shock to you? Nature is cruel. Animals killer other animals. Plants kill other plants. What makes us humans so special? Why should we be considered unique? Most people just don't care about other people, unless there is something in it for themselves, and in this case, sexual gratification, and most people will do almost anything for it, heckle other people for example, because it makes them feel good



Edit: And chances are that I probably wouldn't be on here bitching about this had I been born a Leonardo Dicaprio or something. In fact, that is a fact, because my brain, my entire personality and way of thinking, would've been shaped in (or to) a completely different direction, and I'd probably view this world as some sort of utopian paradise where only an extreme minority are nasty

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