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Are women genetically narcissistic?

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The common denominator in all your negative interactions is you. You want people to believe women volunteer to be cruel to you, because of how you look. That doesn't fit with reality. Women aren't like that as a rule. In fact, the more ugly you are, the more likely it is that they will take pity on you. Which may be what you want. Maybe the problem is that you aren't ugly enough. Or maybe they detect the chip on your shoulder, and it's really your attitude they respond to.


I don't fault you for wanting to be loved and accepted. Everyone wants that. But it doesn't come to everyone. And you still have to live your life. I could throw a platitude at you about meeting Ms. Right someday, which you might. But you know you have to be mentally prepared for that.

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I think your lying about that disfigured guy...

well I'm not surprised you think that, although I'm not....but then again, of course it would appear that you believe only you have an accurate profile of what people are like, so I'm not surprised you're calling me a liar.

If I fit your bill....




....Step outside, walk past a group of people and secretly record as I walk past them...


Do you really want to be proven wrong?

you can't prove me wrong, because i know I'm not... You're the only one who thinks they have to prove something to substantiate their outrageous claims....


Edit: **** it I will do the latter... I’ve always been accused of lying over the internet which I find quite fishy...


Look forward to it...I've been accused of the same and frankly, I don't really care....

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I read that somewhere and it seems to fit perfectly with what I experience as an unattractive male


More evidence... I can't show myself over the Internet because I'm not kidding you when I do nearly every female online is horrendously sarcastc when I message them for whatever reason, whether that be to compliment them on something or something else


Even celebrities are nasty, they don't type nasty stuff but they ignore you but reply back to everyone else apparently (I say apparently because these people always look ok to damn right hot)


And no, this is not self pity my narcissistic friends


Edit: There is no doubt in my mind that men are infinitely more compassionate than women, and this is not biased, I based this on overwhelming evidence


Sounds more like a complaint about not being able to be as hedonistic as one would like.


Take care,

Eve x

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The common denominator in all your negative interactions is you. You want people to believe women volunteer to be cruel to you, because of how you look. That doesn't fit with reality. Women aren't like that as a rule. In fact, the more ugly you are, the more likely it is that they will take pity on you. Which may be what you want. Maybe the problem is that you aren't ugly enough. Or maybe they detect the chip on your shoulder, and it's really your attitude they respond to.


I don't fault you for wanting to be loved and accepted. Everyone wants that. But it doesn't come to everyone. And you still have to live your life. I could throw a platitude at you about meeting Ms. Right someday, which you might. But you know you have to be mentally prepared for that.


I'm only posting what I experience... Both young males and females are cruel and the only reason I have at least some friends is because of the diversity in males...


And no, I'm not 'negative'... or at least I wouldn't be if I didn't experience huge levels of cruelty out there...


It's not pity I want, pretty much everyone online denies the existence of facts. Everyone IRL knows that ugly people are the target of hate and that nobody sticks up for them or feels sorry for them

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I‘ve been through a helluva lot... I've been in dozens of situations that remind me of some scenes from the horror film 'Carrie'...


I'm used to not being liked or felt sorry for

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Seriously, seek professional help.


Dude I'm telling you things that happen in real life. It's my fault that the Internet is a narcissist playground...


I feel like I'm talking to narcissists on here


Just because I post on a forum doesn't mean I need professional help. And I am not the one that goes around denying the existence of real life facts


Everyone in real world knows that ugly people are hated. And so are morbidly obese people. We are laughed at by the general public, hence why we don't go out much...

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Yes, we are, and these countless threads about what we are and are not, are only feeding our egos even more..


Not really. I've heard that narcissism can be found just as readily in people who don't think highly of themselves at all. The constant focus on what's wrong with you, or why people don't see you in the way that they see that beautiful person over there.. or illness can make one narcissistic. I know from experience. The focus is on you, you, you (or me, me, me and what's wrong with meee.. why don't they want meeeee... ). You know?

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Narcisissm is more prevelent in males than females (documented). Just like men are more likely to get involved in a violent crime.


Progress= change. You'll see more narcissitic female traits and violent crimes by females as society progresses.


Psychology is often dicated by sociology and culture. The more freedom people are given as a whole, the more you'll recognize that anyone given more freedom will choose a certain path and develop deviances not talked about or documented in the near past.


They'll develop healthy pasts, just like healthy men do- but my prediction is that female violence is going to increase significantly in the female population as equal rights forges its way.

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"Narcisissm is more prevelent in males than females (documented)"


What documentary were you watching? I have it as scientific fact that narcisissm is more prevelent in females :confused:


Are women not more obsessed with celebrities and social status?

Do women not seek attention all the time?

Is the onus not on the man to prove his love for the woman?

Are women not known for being more 'jealous' minded than men? A study of the brain was done for this one




Oh and is this "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" not more prevelent in females?

And how often do you hear of men writing letters to serial killers?


It is also worth pointing out that the majority of what men do is for his unselfish love for his woman, he seeks to make her happy even if these actions make him unhappy in the process


For example, if the wife goes "Both can't work so you stay at home"... he will do that just to keep her happy

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Yes, we are, and these countless threads about what we are and are not, are only feeding our egos even more..


Not really. I've heard that narcissism can be found just as readily in people who don't think highly of themselves at all. The constant focus on what's wrong with you, or why people don't see you in the way that they see that beautiful person over there.. or illness can make one narcissistic. I know from experience. The focus is on you, you, you (or me, me, me and what's wrong with meee.. why don't they want meeeee... ). You know


Well I'm not that kind of person, am I? I'm merely stating these things because I find most people (most notably women) to be generally unfriendly


But if were famous, say a Sumo, with 800 pounds of blubber dangling from my ass, a gut feeling tells me that women would be much friendlier. You know

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What's the point? Where's the point in making the effort to be clean and dress nicely in public when all I get most of the time is demonic looks and anti social behaviour from most young women, whereas some of these popular guys go about with the same clothing on week after week, ripping farts right in front of them and whatnot?


Also, one of these popular well-liked guys has had bird **** on his kitchen window going on 2 years now... It has turned brown...


You know, I was thinking... people would be a lot less anti social towards me if I had just been born better looking....

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That all I've got to say. Hopefully the Mod will delete some of these posts

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"Narcisissm is more prevelent in males than females (documented)"


What documentary were you watching? I have it as scientific fact that narcisissm is more prevelent in females :confused:

She didn't say it was in a documentary - she said it was documentED - in other words, she has found research that suggests a contradiction to your pov...

And incidentally, please present your 'scientific fact'.....if you ask other members what their source is, then it's only right you present yours.


Are women not more obsessed with celebrities and social status?


who tried to murder Ronald Regan?

who murdered John Lennon?

Who owns and runs formula 1?...Bernie Ecclestone, isn't it?

who's that guy called Donald Trump?

What about Hugh Hefner?


Do women not seek attention all the time?

see above.....


Is the onus not on the man to prove his love for the woman?

I fail to see the narcissism in that - especially when women have to do the same for men...

Are women not known for being more 'jealous' minded than men? A study of the brain was done for this one

Cool! More studies! Let's see the links to references, please!


Oh and is this "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" not more prevelent in females?

Yes, but Munchausen's syndrome is more prevalent in men....


"Who's affected?


It usually begins in early adulthood and is more common in men."








see....I have provided evidence to substantiate my claim.

That's how it's done.




And how often do you hear of men writing letters to serial killers?

How many women serial killers do you know?


It is also worth pointing out that the majority of what men do is for his unselfish love for his woman, he seeks to make her happy even if these actions make him unhappy in the process

more factual evidence required - do some research, or just admit it's your biased opinion....


For example, if the wife goes "Both can't work so you stay at home"... he will do that just to keep her happy

This is so true.

Particularly if she has a better-paid job, better prospects and a greater chance of promotion. Otherwise, trust me - if he is a senior company executive and she is a nurse - no married couple in their right minds would do this....

If the salaries are equitable, it depends on what makes most sense (travel time and costs, business benefits, packages & perks, community & family closeness....)

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I was just kidding with the first part of my previous response. You really think that women will become more violent? Interesting.


I had been thinking that true cases of narcissism must be rare (rather than situational - why am I getting a red line under that word? It is a word, isn't it? Will have to google). I broke something in anger, for the first time in my life, early last year. I'm usually the one advising others to put the object down, that they'll regret it later on, etc.

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That all I've got to say. Hopefully the Mod will delete some of these posts


Why should they?

It's all been civil, logical and discursive. You have brought forward unsubstantiated, unproven and erratic claims about certain traits and factors, with absolutely no data, evidence, research or literature to back them up, and others have therefore understandably refuted them as just your cynical, biased and somewhat jaded opinion.

So far, AFAIK, I am the only participant that has actually provided three distinct and separate links to substantiate a piece of information.


Until you provide proof (as you said you were going to way back at the beginning of the thread) then this will simply remain an inofffensive discursive thread.


And there is no reason herein why any Moderator would take it upon themselves to delete anything.

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I need evidence... Are you really that mentally ****ed up... Try lowring that post count of yours a bit by going out more often... I could post evidence, and lots of it... but I'm not going to bother because I really shouldn't have to.........


That is all

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Ah. Ok.


"The best form of defence is attack...."


Providing you have something valid to attack with, that is....


Projecting, huh?

Somehow, it suits you.


It's sad that in order to get your point across, you feel the need to be insulting AND use profanities.


Disappointing.....I thought you'd be a bit more articulate.

and at least have the dignity to put your money where your mouth is.

But the fact is, a huge majority of your claims and assertions - you can't back up reliably.... can you..?


Still waiting for this video, by the way.


At least try to retrieve a little credibility.

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I have loads of evidence.... Ok I forget the names of a lot of these documentaries, I could find them again if I really wanted to but I just can't be bothered... So good a documentaries that you don't see them on the Internet... Let's just say that people love to slip these documentaries under the carpet...


And I don't bother uploading them because they don't get views, and a lot of people ignore me...

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Well, I haven't been ignoring you, and if you can't be bothered to back up your own statements, it just shows what a lack of drive, impetus and willingness you have....


How can you expect anyone to give you any credibility, when you won't make any effort to demonstrate how credible you are?

A major point in discussions of this nature is to be able to back yourself up.

Otherwise your words are just hot air....

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Why? Why should I even need to post proof? You want quick proof? Go anywhere on the internet (except for maybe Facebook) and post negative comments about ANY famous serial killer (must be famous) and/or those who love them (and by love I mean actually have a sexual desire for them).... The majority of people out there will just cease talking to you


There is your proof that thousands if not millions are obsessed with fame to the point where killers are no longer 'bad' (and please don't ask me to define bad)


It doesn't bother them that these killers killed and destroyed families, to them, being on TV a lot = a higher status


Edit: The majority of people out there are insanely crazy and ANY scientist, if being honest, will tell you this

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Well, I do have experience of actually conversing with one insanely crazy person, I must admit....He keeps making these ridiculously over-blown claims about other people and not backing them up with any tangible facts, and then having the gall to...


Oh...... hang on....

....that would be you.



You give me all the proof I need that at least one seriously crazy person does exist out there.

Fortunately, you're in a drastic minority.


of one.


You really do need help.

You really should get it.


Adios, amigo.

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I have posted evidence... I repeat... Go to any forum on the internet and say mean things about any famous serial killer (especially if he's attractive looking) and all you will get is people defending their actions, they will often tell you to "define bad", argue that 'bad' is just 'socially constructed' and make their actions out to be nothing more than just a mere 'sexual preference'...


They call it 'masochistic'



: a sexual perversion characterized by pleasure in being subjected to pain or humiliation especially by a love object — compare sadism



: pleasure in being abused or dominated : a taste for suffering

A lot more common than you think... Just 'talk' to people behind the anonymity of the internet ;)



Now quit making excuses and just do that...


But me thinks you know I iz right ;)

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I have posted evidence... I repeat... Go to any forum on the internet and say mean things about any famous serial killer (especially if he's attractive looking) and all you will get is people defending their actions, they will often tell you to "define bad", argue that 'bad' is just 'socially constructed' and make their actions out to be nothing more than just a mere 'sexual preference'...


They call it 'masochistic'


A lot more common than you think... Just 'talk' to people behind the anonymity of the internet ;)



Now quit making excuses and just do that...


But me thinks you know I iz right ;)


Edit: I figure I won't get anymore replies ;)


You want quick proof? Go anywhere on the internet (except for maybe Facebook) and post negative comments about ANY famous serial killer (must be famous) and/or those who love them (and by love I mean actually have a sexual desire for them).... The majority of people out there will just cease talking to you
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