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Did i do the right thing


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Hello everybody i would like some opinions about my situation..5 months ago i was working with my ex who hurt me so bad i left our work place due to medical reason cause of him he basicaly gave me so much hard time at work mixing our private life into the work so due to the stress i end up with serious health issues..so i had to take medical and go home..the same day he totally discarded me not even saying at least goodbye to me knowing that we will never see again...we live in different continents..


After period of one month i've sent him 2 msg at least to tell me why refuse to talk to me to which he replyed to me **** off i don't want to talk to you using caps letter and blocked me the same minute on facebook...it was very hard for me to go on with my life never knowing why he was angry with me if anyone had reason not to talk i was the one not him..


Anyway it went 4 monhs and my doctor told me i'm ready to go back and when we contacted my employers they told me that i'm not gonna be able anymore to work for them only cause my ex wrote my evaluation using the minimal mistakes which i've done such as i gave him attitude which was not the case...my fault was that i never reported him in the office so now i end fired cause of him...


It wasn't enough for him that he hurt me emotional i end up medical cause of him and now after 4 months only to be fired from him...so i had enough and yesterday i send him long letter basicaly me telling him everything that he never gave me a chance...i told him how much he hurt me which i never told him before i just learn how to live without him and asking myself what i have done to him..but after this i couldn't keep it to myself..i had to let him know what he have done to me..and the irony of whole story was that he was angry with me like a kill his familly..i stil don't know what was his reasons for him not to talk to me ever again...and now i don't even care...


So my question is would you send email to somebody who clearly destroy your life telling him that he was your biggest mistake...


I would like some insights please..

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I understand how much you want to send the email and yell at him for what he did. But it will only make you feel worse cause you will then be thinking how he would feel and whether he is going to say anything. Try to let it go, focus on taking control of your life and be glad you don't have to deal with him ever again.

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