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Hurt by my ex's rebound


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To get straight to the point -I- broke with my gf of almost 2 years. A few weeks after the break up I found out she had a new bf and had started sleeping with him.


Now my ex and I have met up a few times since the break up and have both said we've been thinking about each other and want each other back. It's been 5 months since the break up and I have tried moving on but I started to realize that I don't even know why I broke up with her.


There was another girl who I sort of liked before I met my ex and I was kind of still curious as to what it would be like to be with her so I think I wanted to be single so I could go after my other love interest.


The issue of us breaking up was basically due to me having GIGS and also having curiosity as to what I'm missing out in life by never having my experience with my former love interest.





Basically I f***** myself by breaking up with someone I had a really good relationship with. Her sleeping with someone while we were not together is NOT wrong because she didn't cheat on me.


So my question is... why do I feel so heart broken when I think of her sleeping with someone else? My Ex wants me back but I'm afraid to get back together with her because her sleeping with someone else breaks my heart and I'm afraid.


Someone please help me figure out why I feel this way? This is not logical.

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Just sounds like you're in a perpetual state of gigs, the grass was greener elsewhere when you were with her, and now you're on the other side of the fence and you feel like the grass is greener where you were in the first place.


If you have both mutually expressed feelings of missing each other why has nothing happened in 5 months? Just because she's with the other person and isn't going to end it? Or would she be willing to end it and try again with you but it's mainly you worried that you won't be able to get over the thought of her being with someone else?


Frankly it's kinda not fair to her, you made a decision and she's done her best to live her life from that day forward, even started seeing someone else.


I think you need to make the distinction between really missing her and regretting your decision, or does it just get under your skin that someone else has her now? If she was sitting at home single and bored ever since the breakup would you feel the same way? Or was this regret you're feeling only triggered by her being with someone else?


I think the only respectable thing to do is let her other relationship play out as it may, it wouldn't be fair to try to tell her to end it or get back together with you when it was your decision in the first place. Let things run their course, if she ends up not staying with this other person and you want to pick up the pursuit then, you can.

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Just sounds like you're in a perpetual state of gigs, the grass was greener elsewhere when you were with her, and now you're on the other side of the fence and you feel like the grass is greener where you were in the first place.


If you have both mutually expressed feelings of missing each other why has nothing happened in 5 months? Just because she's with the other person and isn't going to end it? Or would she be willing to end it and try again with you but it's mainly you worried that you won't be able to get over the thought of her being with someone else?


Frankly it's kinda not fair to her, you made a decision and she's done her best to live her life from that day forward, even started seeing someone else.


I think you need to make the distinction between really missing her and regretting your decision, or does it just get under your skin that someone else has her now? If she was sitting at home single and bored ever since the breakup would you feel the same way? Or was this regret you're feeling only triggered by her being with someone else?


I think the only respectable thing to do is let her other relationship play out as it may, it wouldn't be fair to try to tell her to end it or get back together with you when it was your decision in the first place. Let things run their course, if she ends up not staying with this other person and you want to pick up the pursuit then, you can.


The thing is that we have tried getting together a few times early on. But we both are afraid to commit to each other for the fear of losing one another. I also think I am very confused and conflicted with my feelings.


As I said. Technically speaking she didn't cheat on me, but her being with someone else hurts me. <---- This doesn't make any sense and I need to figure it out.


I want to be fair and respectable but my emotions are confusing me.


Also everything you said about me missing her... it has made me even more confused. Did I just miss her out of jealousy? Did I truly miss her company and the love that we shared or did I just miss the companionship/friendship?


This is my first gf btw and I'm also 22 years old.

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