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Just bought a co-workers flowers, to wish her a nice evening.


At work, we talked the next day. I guess we both knew something was different. We didn't act our usual self. Or at least, I tried to and she tried to.


But something was not there at the time. She fixed her hair in a different way . I compliemented her. She accepted it. But somehow it was not the same


As she left for home that day, she said to me and my co-worker, "see ya later."

She has never really said that to me before. Befrore we wouldn't say anything.


How can I stop this from getting weird. We do have a friendship chemistry that we both know is there. But, I need to act quick before that chemistry goes out the window.




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I am going to assume you are interested in in just remaining friends and nothing else. If so, then the best thing you can do is make it clear what the flowers were for and explain how you feel - focus on friendship. You may want to discuss the whole relationship with a co-worker issue if you want be practical about it. The longer you wait the more wierd things are likely to get. btw, this is a conversation for outside of work, by this I mean outside the physical location where you work. You may want to talk on the way out at the end of the day/lunch etc... If further discussion is needed head to a restaurant or bar - somewhere where there are people and both of you can feel a little bit at ease.


If I misread what you are saying and you are interested in something more, and both of you are comfortable with the whole co-worker thing, then you also need to move quickly and essentially do the same as I mentioned earlier, albeit the conversation will be different. Good luck.

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Thanks for the help. I did talk to her. We talked about it. She understood. Now, I just need to make sure that doesn't happen again. That awkward situation. Just don't know how it became weird.


Any idea how to prevent this from happening again. Well, I guess I just won't buy her anything again.



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