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Okay, its been a week since I've seen or spoken to her, and I left her a message two days ago. She never called back. I saw her at school today and she was on the phone. She smiled and said hello, then resumed her phone conversation. This really pissed me off. I know it's only been a week since we've spoken, but what the hell?!?!


How much time and space is she going to take? even though I'm moving on, it's really bothering me. I'm still attached and she doesn't seem to be. ARGGHHHH! I was planning on waiting a week to call her again, but now this...


Do I just move on and she'll call me when she's ready to talk? Is a week enough time and space? What is up?!?! Her friends still say that she wants me, but this is getting ridiculous. Every day I feel less towards her. Sonner or later, it'll be too late. Do I call her at all? Or do I wait to call her for a week or so? Ideas?

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Why the hell does she need "space?" Dude...tell her you love her (if the two of you say that)...tell her you're not gonna wait around, and make her make a decision.

You've gotta want it all, or nothin' at all.


If she says she need more space, or gives you any more crap, drop this bxxxh, and don't look back.

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This is scary- but I think I agree with Paulie.


It sounds like she is toying with you- and that is not cool. Don't let her do you that way- THIS is within your control!


Why do you want someone who doesn't want you in the same way? You are just asking for a huge heart ache if you don't stop this now.


YES YES YES- go on!!! You are putting your life on hold and NO ONE should expect or ask you to do that.


You have given her control of this situation- its time you take it back. Jenna


You've gotta want it all, or nothin' at all.


If she says she need more space, or gives you any more crap, drop this bxxxh, and don't look back.

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Usually when a woman talks about "space" and "time" she means "space between you and me" and "time to think of a nice humane way to dump you." At least,it seems like that when women say that to me.

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She has time to call and talk to other people on the phone but not to return your calls. That should let you know that it's time to move on. Rogue mentioned in his other postings about the vague way some cowardly women try to break up with a guy by saying they need more space. That is a very ambiguous statement and it will keep a guy hanging on in hopes that there is a chance. Guys will go into denial about the breakup.


I am going through something similar in which the guy does not want to believe that we are broken up. He keeps writing me e-mails talking about "us" and our connection. I told him not to call me and that the only talk I would have with him would be to bring closure to the relationship. But he doesn't hear that. I think what Rogue said in the other posting is right, "It's a guy thing" to keep hanging on.


After I told him not to call me again, he writes, "It takes two to have a relationship, so it will be what we both make it together. I look forward to hearing your voice even for a few minutes to say hi and such."


This is just one proof that some men refuse to see and hear the facts because they just don't want to believe them.

Okay, its been a week since I've seen or spoken to her, and I left her a message two days ago. She never called back. I saw her at school today and she was on the phone. She smiled and said hello, then resumed her phone conversation. This really pissed me off. I know it's only been a week since we've spoken, but what the hell?!?!


How much time and space is she going to take? even though I'm moving on, it's really bothering me. I'm still attached and she doesn't seem to be. ARGGHHHH! I was planning on waiting a week to call her again, but now this... Do I just move on and she'll call me when she's ready to talk? Is a week enough time and space? What is up?!?! Her friends still say that she wants me, but this is getting ridiculous. Every day I feel less towards her. Sonner or later, it'll be too late. Do I call her at all? Or do I wait to call her for a week or so? Ideas?

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