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Very mixed signals, is he a player? Should I be just friends?


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Here's my story:


Met some new friends at the beach last December, one day on the 30th we all went out for a movie. The beach friends brought two new guys, one of them L.


The five new guys are good friends among themselves. After the movie, all of them added me on facebook. 4 out of 5 of them kept constant contact with me.


I sensed that one of them, W, likes me a lot, and I suppose it shows, as all of them kept on teasing him about me. But I didn't like him at all, therefore just brushed the comments off. Later they formed a friendship group on facebook and teased each other about me, but I never really cared because I knew they were just kidding.


Then one day after New Year I asked L for a tiny favour regarding one of the new girls who liked his friend. He replied me, and started chatting with me. Over the days he flirted strongly with me, telling me I look cute for like ten times, n stuff. I asked his friend about him, and the friend said positive stuff. He looked good too although a year younger than me. I was really attracted to him even though we only met once at the movie.


Honestly I didn't notice him at that time, but he said he liked my character (I was laughing and confident around everyone at the movie), and wanted to get to know me more. Over the weeks he got my number, called me and talked for over half an hour, text me constantly even though he's quite busy.


That was the first week. He told me he really likes me, and asked if I think its possible that I will like him back and get together? I never answer him that, but all my signs are positive.

It's sorta long distance, different states, therefore couldn't meet up that often, plus we're really busy.


Gradually he cool down, text me less, and not everyday. He doesn't call, but kept me in contact. He told me he's busy, and he's not always around the phone. I accepted that, but then sometimes I will see him commenting "that's pretty", or "ur cute" on new photos posted up on facebook by a girl he said he likes but who rejected him.


I don't know, is he a player? He's like such a good type of guy in other areas of his life. He even helps his parents with house chores.


I really like him..but what should I do? I suppose he assume that I like him back, even though we're not officially a couple yet. What should I do, what should I look out for, and what are the danger signs, how to be careful?


Anyone having this experience? Please help me. My ex was a guy who was often around me, always talking to me, always trying to please even after a year. That's why I don't have experience with guys who don't communicate often! Does this mean he's not that into me??


Thanks in advance!!

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He stopped communication with you because you blew him off. If you want him to stay interested in you, you have to show him that youre still interested in him, meaning you cant be too busy to talk or get together. if you dont do that, after a while he will think youre not interested and move on. But if youre in different states and cant see each other often, I dont think you should bother with him anyway. Long distance relationships rarely work. Date someone whos closer to you.

Edited by Eddie Edirol
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