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Do you hate your husband?

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I bet you'd wait till he fell asleep and then strap one on .. And 'do' him. :p (just lightening up this thread, it's a joke..)


Well, that would certainly generate hate from one of us anyways.

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......and the woman who needs to have 25 different men have paternity tests to find out which one fathered her child....


Ok, I confess, that was me......but I refuse to marry her.....

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My wife doesn't hate me but to prove you right Woggle I will hate myself.


I don't think that counts. As a man none of what is happening these days as far as gender relations go gives you any kind of alarm?

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I don't think that counts. As a man none of what is happening these days as far as gender relations go gives you any kind of alarm?


if I had ANY doubts then I would have stayed single. By staying single I wouldn't have any 'alarms' to worry about. Perhaps you should have thought about that before marrying again.


The only time that I ever hear about these 'alarms' is when I am on here and its you or one of the other usual suspects.


Of course nothing in life is a guarantee but I (and just about everyone else in existence) would rather live my life to the fullest with no regrets or fear rather than being scared all the time and spending hours finding BS to back up my fears.


Time to start living life Woggle.

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It certainly takes a leap of faith and a willingness to risk in order to commit to a marriage, as well as trust in ones own judgement. Sometimes, despite all odds, it goes wrong.


This does not point in any way to the inherent hatefulness of women or wives, though. The article doesn't say that it does, either.

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Ok, I confess, that was me......but I refuse to marry her.....



awww....i'm disappointed...and here i thought you were going to say you'd marry all of them





i have met many men in my time, and been very hurt ( both emotionally and physically) by some of them. But I have also had some of the best experiences in my life and have been treated very well by just as many...


I'd like to see the positive side...to do otherwise would be to give into darkness and i refuse to do that...it's also very unfair to judge the many by the actions of a few...it's not men nor is it women who have the capacity to cause hurt...it's a relatively small number of both that can be hurtful....by the greater number can bring much kindness and joy into your life...if you choose to let them...please , please, please try and leave the door open for that to happen:)

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For those women out there that haven't developed the maturity to hate their husbands yet, I will hate him for you until you come over to the Dark Side with the rest of us.

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awww....i'm disappointed...and here i thought you were going to say you'd marry all of them...

No....I made her pregnant.... Pay attention for gawd's sake...this is high-class TV for ther cognoscenti, ya know....!




@Woggle, would you mind telling us, just for the sake of clarification, why you not only keep looking out for these stupid dumb, links, but then insist on coming here and broadcasting them to us, when you know for a fact we'll shoot you down in flames like a jerk?

Why not just look at them and think better of it?

You know it makes far more sense.....

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I, for one, love how we all came together as a LS Community to make fun of someone's neuroses.


Well done everyone!

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Thanks, dot!


I don't have to respect someone's views to respect the person, their right to hold those views, or my right to respond to them.

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You know, Woggle, I'm beginning to think your wife has the patience of a saint. I certainly would not be able to abide a guy who, time and time again, for YEARS, despite having a loving and caring wife, perpetually brings up articles written by random clueless strangers as 'proof' that 'many women hate men', and allows it to affect him so very negatively. And my bf is a fairly patient guy, but I'm pretty sure he would run out of patience too.

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I, for one, love how we all came together as a LS Community to make fun of someone's neuroses.


Well done everyone!


You just have to know his wife hates him. He needs to embrace it instead of being afraid of it.

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after you get your operation, do you plan on going on the Jerry Springer show to talk about your issues ( i was a man, had a sex change , got married and now I hate my husband)? You could go on right between the skinheads and the woman who needs to have 25 different men have paternity tests to find out which one fathered her child...:laugh:


sounds like some really highbrow entertainment:laugh:


nah... my hatred will be so deep that I won't have time for anything else... :)

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So, finally, I got around to doing some research and it turns out the Earth is actually flat:




See? It says so on the internet.


And men are paedophiles:




It says so on the internet.


Good research.


Elvis Presley is alive. It says so on the internet so it must be true.



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You know what?


I heard of this group calked the KKK. I am worried now because I am white and doesn't that mean I should hate people of other races because some fringe weirdos that I share a skin colour with hate people of other races?


Or do I get a "pass" because I have some Native Heritage?

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I don't even own a white sheet, how will I ever fit in?


Can any of you other white folk loan me one?

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You know, Woggle, I'm beginning to think your wife has the patience of a saint. I certainly would not be able to abide a guy who, time and time again, for YEARS, despite having a loving and caring wife, perpetually brings up articles written by random clueless strangers as 'proof' that 'many women hate men', and allows it to affect him so very negatively. And my bf is a fairly patient guy, but I'm pretty sure he would run out of patience too.


Get this:


She doesn't have a clue he feels like this.

not a one.....

she has no idea he posts this crap.

there are no prizes for guessing why she's not in on this.

but she doesn't have the slightest inkling he's so screwed up.



You know what?


I heard of this group calked the KKK. I am worried now because I am white and doesn't that mean I should hate people of other races because some fringe weirdos that I share a skin colour with hate people of other races?


Or do I get a "pass" because I have some Native Heritage?



It's highly likely they have a quite a bit of native heritage themselves.

I bet they either don't realise it - or refuse to reveal it to anyone else....

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I don't even own a white sheet, how will I ever fit in?


Can any of you other white folk loan me one?


If he pulls even .0001% of what he does here his wife hates him. %99.99999 gauranted.

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I love my husband very much.


I can't comment on the article because I refuse to read any of the nonsense published in the huffington post. I will mention that for a man that hates feminists you sure take that feminist slanted publication seriously.

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After reading some of the comments on this and Daily Mail I am truly convinced that most women are simply incapable of being happy in a relationship with a man. They always do something to mess it up. Men and women should just live separate and have sex sometimes.

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Men and women should just live separate and have sex sometimes.


Who is stopping YOU? YOU are free to do what you preach. I happen to love my husband and men in general so YOUR ideas don't apply to ME.

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Who is stopping YOU? YOU are free to do what you preach. I happen to love my husband and men in general so YOUR ideas don't apply to ME.


Sometimes I wonder why I ever got married. You are a newlywed right now but if you still feel this way ten years from now I will give you credit. Most married women do not feel the way you do.

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I can't say that I hate him. I just wish he would realize that their other other people on the planet besides him and that I am not his mother. I am also sick of being reacted to like I am her. It grosses me out.


Personally I think a lot of cheating men have serious mother issues so they marry someone, make her their mother and then 'rebel' against her by having a girlfriend as a pathetic way to passive-aggressively assert himself. I only want one child right now, it isn't the 33 year old one.


I haven't read this whole thread, but the above about sums it up for me as well:lmao:

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Anyone else ever get the impression that Woggle was an angrier, more hateful version of quietguy? :laugh:


Not really. I want so much to believe that true love and happy marriages are possible in this day and age but I see no evidence that they are.

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