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I know it is you.

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Two of them are easily discernable...and it makes you wonder about a couple others.


Ahaha, ya know - I've been here for years... And I know old posters who used to post here are still posting under new usernames - but I've yet to figure out who is who - regarding old username and new username.


My mind must not compute the correlation so easily.


I know a ton of old posters disappeared over time - due to getting banned etc - but there are just certain ones that you just KNOW they would never stay away - even for a day!


I wish I could have a list of their new identities so I could know who I'm REALLY corresponding with here.


It all confuses me too much.


Cheat sheets needed please! ;-)


As far as the trolls - I just ignore them... They go away faster if you do...

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yes hes still bitter about his past and trying to take it out on me




Perfectly good explanation of what happened by me (Wilsonx), the OP agreed with it, expressed his feelings on the matter, and egojoe attacks because it clashes with his world views on BURNING ALL DUMPERS into the ground.


BTW Egojoe there were absolutely no attacks in that thread besides yours on me. I will let everyone here judge for themselves


Sorry if I grew up emotionally and have an understanding of all sides and that not everything in life is black and white.

Edited by Dark Phoenix
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For gossip sake of loveshack high school


I came home one day and I was self destructing, I was well aware of it, I told 2 other people via IM that I was self destructing. Then sure enough I self destructed on a couple posts with pure rage and ate a 3 week ban.


So like other famous posters here (homebrew) I, wilsonx earned my badge of honor

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For gossip sake of loveshack high school


I came home one day and I was self destructing, I was well aware of it, I told 2 other people via IM that I was self destructing. Then sure enough I self destructed on a couple posts with pure rage and ate a 3 week ban.


So like other famous posters here (homebrew) I, wilsonx earned my badge of honor


We've all had our turns- if you stay long enough it happens to most at one point or another.


I have a tough time figuring out who is who these days... So I stopped trying.


I must say - they are always swift and harsh with punishment here.

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Ohhh now it all makes sense why I kept thinking "he reminds me of Wilsonx" every time I saw Dark Phoenix busting into people's threads and quickly telling them what they should think/feel/do about everything.

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I kept thinking "he reminds me of Wilsonx" every time I saw Dark Phoenix busting into people's threads and quickly telling them what they should think/feel/do about everything.


My exact thoughts.

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I don't understand, actually no YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, you think you have a grip and have the answer to everything. How the f### do you say oh I don't attack anybody blah blah blah yet in your opening line say "such and such is just bitter and is trying to take it out on me." I don't see how you don't view that as an attack. Maybe its time to stop with this holier than though crap. Maybe its time after 2000 posts under lord knows how many screen names, to step away from love shack. You aren't trying to help, you're not trying to get help yourself, you're basically just a troll at this point. All you do is go against everything, saying im just trying to present all sides, that's not it, you're trying to be some kind of rebel, going against the grain. Guess what its not working. You need to work on yourself man. You really do.

This site helped me so much, but it sucks now.

I think im retiring.

go ahead and troll me, tell me everything that's wrong with me. But as you do it, look in the mirror.

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My post in that thread was not an attack. I simple stated how uneasy it made me to see where you were going and stated that I didn't understand how you continually sided with someone's Ex...as if you were projecting some sort of rationalization.


I also told that other guy who also wanted to blame the OP in that thread for being hurt. I'm not going to debate semantics talking WITH you is akin to talking to a brick wall. Your Ego is such that you took the bait and outed yourself on both of the otherwise easy to identify usernames.

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I must say - they are always swift and harsh with punishment here.



I agree



Makes me question why I seek advice from some of these people.... :confused:

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I did mention the word troll in another post but I didn't quite understand the gist of WHO it was...


Before I knew it was him, which I didn't until this post, what I was going to say to that person was 'Hey, could you try giving case-by-case advice please? Everything is sounding rather monotonous.' For God's sake, I remember one post he told someone that they would NEVER get over their ex....geeeesh


But he kind of reminds me of the ComeBackKid. I mean, a lot of people really did admire him for some of the things he said.

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No I think wisonx=heartofaphoenix is what people are implying.


I see NO ressemblance between Homebrew and wilsonX, homebrew was more about the person hurting making a choice while wilsonX was a bit more blount.



I could be wrong but.....

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