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I dont know what to do around GIRLS!!!!


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When im around Girls i dont know how to act or what to do !! when they come near to me i start to sweat from my chest!! i dont know why all of this is happening to me :mad:


Around my Friends i crack them up and i take all of my freedom but when getting to Girls i dont know what to say.

When i see them i say "hi" then wow no more words .

Please i need help

tell me how to act what to feel


i have never had a GF in my whole life i know it is kind of pethatic.

PLZ help me


:) thanx

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Well i can't tell you how to act or feel because that is an emotion that only you can control. But i will tell you is all it is, is jitters. I think your just nervous and not very sociable. Maybe you can start with "Hi" and then to not make things awkward, say "how are you doing?" and then introduce yourself. Do you worry about how you look? Or maybe what she's thinking? Those kinda things crossed my mind when i'm nervous too. My solution was to not ask so many questions and just go with the flow.

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Here's some advice from a girl: girls are just as nervous talking to guys (at least I am.) Any conversation topic (as long as it stays away from the obscene and disgusting) is welcome, so just bring something up. Anything! If it's a girl you don't know, ask her name, where she's from, stuff like that. If it's a girl that you do know, ask her how her day's going and what she did. When she answers, continue on in the conversation with a topic she brought up.


Oh, and by the way, girls love compliments, especially if you notice something different. If you can see that she just got a hair cut or a new outfit, say it looks nice. But try to stay away from the cheesy pick up lines! :)


Good luck talking to girls in the future, hope I helped a bit!

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ok first of all how old are you? and second of all relatoinships take comfort. and comfort takes time. when you have a girl approach you its different then if you approach them. so lets say you see a girl and you thinks she looks nice and you want to talk to her. dont be scared! im not going to lie to you my biggest fear when wanted to talk to a guy is rejection. IT HAPPENS! it happens to everyone. looks dont matter. i finally got asked out by one of the finest men out there. i accepted went out with him on a date found out how he really was and rejected him.


ask her her name. or how she is doing? what she is interested in? ask her if she would like to go get coffee at a book store or somewhere that interest you. if she accepts then thats a sighn that that is something that yall have in common. if she denies you ask her if she knows somewhere that yall could hang out and talk. talk talk talk talk is the number one thats how you get to know someone. i myself just broke up with the guy that i thought was the man of my dreams turned out i was WAY wrong. oh yeah and



SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE girls love it when you smile!

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Thank you alot :)


You really helped me :D


im 16 yrs old


I tried everything you told me and it worked , i would really like to thank you ALOT and thank everyone who helped me . Guys you RULE :) .

It is true im alot nervous when talking to girls but i think by the advice that you gave to me i can pass this state. Thank you alot , really thank you alot :D


Thanx for beeing nice and talking to me as a friend :)


Thank you

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